Website Tweaks Coming
Both Orbit and I have been surprised and delighted by the number of comments I’ve been getting. Thank you. It’s important to me that I communicate with readers, and we noticed that the blog-style comment system was making that harder than it should have been. Sometimes people would accidentally comment on an old post where few others would see it, and I wouldn’t know whether I should respond to that comment under the old post where it might not be seen or under the newest post where it would be out of place. Soo…
Orbit has been kind enough to set up a forum for me HERE. Not only will you be able to ask me questions–or see if someone else has already asked your question–but you will also be able to chat about each of the book without worrying about spoiling surprises for others. The forum will start very basic and adapt to your needs, and I will read every post and be an active participant.
So within the next few days, the comments on this page will be disabled–but I want to stress that this is to facilitate communication, not to curtail it. Everything else will continue as before. And thanks for wanting to talk!
So again I went in search of an early copy of Beyond the Shadows today at my local Borders in Beaverton and alas there were none but i did run into a friend of your family altough I did not cath her name…I heard a woman asking about your books and I rudely shouted that they were AWESOME and she told me she knew you. So I will check the bookstore once more before i stand in the line (which I am sure won’t be short) to meet you on Thursday and stammer like a swollen baffoon.
Just curious…did you play some Morrowwind at one point or another? If not, the geographical commonality is unnerving…really enjoying the series so far. This is the 1st time I have ever seen anauthor put out 3 books in 3 months, and it’s awesome. The wait for some sequels (read: G RR Martin) gets to be too long. An the writing quality never suffered! Kudos!
Our copies of Beyond the Shadows came into the store today. I grabbed one for myself and stuck a couple others on my Associate Picks endcap, next to The Way of Shadows and Shadow’s Edge. 🙂
Thanks, Brent, for this amazing work. I don’t remember ever waiting so anxiously for the next book in a series to come out!
Wow! Just finished The Way of Shadows–I couldn’t put it down. I have been a compulsive fantasy/science fiction reader for over 50 years–read Tolkien’s stuff in the early 60’s when ACE Publishing put out the unauthorized paperback copies–your stuff knocks me off my feet just like his did back then. Surprisingly, I like the e-book Kindle that Amazon provides, and in 5 minutes I got the second book of your trilogy ready to go. Beyond the Shadows was not available, but surely it will be soon—uh, right?
You can yell out that my books are awesome as much as you want. There, now you have permission. 😉
I have indeed played Morrowind. I just now Googled its map, and I see what you’re saying–at least insofar as there is a huge bay on the south and a big island to the west. My island-continent to the west, Ladesh, is actually only where it is now because to fit it on the page and still have reasonable detail, we had to move it closer to Midcyru. As for the sort-of-mouth-shaped bay, I didn’t even remember that Morrowind’s was like that, and certainly didn’t intend for my world to look similar. So, either coincidence or completely unconscious influence. If I’d noticed, I’d probably have changed it, because no part of this trilogy happens in that area of Midcyru. *confused shrug*
Thank you, I always appreciate people who recommend my books to others–especially the people with the real power: booksellers. So thank you!
Amazing. Just thinking of you having the chance to read Tolkien before he was surrounded by the Tolkien mystique makes me jealous. I read his four books at least five times when I was young. What a master. Thank you so much for comparing me with one of my absolute favorites. I too have heard great stuff about the Kindle. Last time, they were a few days later than the posted release date (which will be Nov. 25th for BTS), but they did come out eventually. Coincidentally, my father loves the Kindle too.
hello brent just wanted to tell you that
the bio page,the part that tells people your email is confusing. anyway love your books
I read all three books…so is there going to be another book with Kylar in it?
love your stuff brent
Wow, so I am browsing through Amazon, and I see a new listing under your name. For Black Prism. Scheduled release August 5, 2010. Can’t even wait! Rereading the Night Angel trilogy now. So good. Thanks, and keep writing.