Up 2!
This week, I scrambled up two more spots on the New York Times Extended Best Seller List. I am now perched at #29. Whoo hoo! I also figured out that “best seller” is two words. I’m told it behooves a writer to know how to spell. Compound adjectives confound.
And I got this very cool picture (thanks, Heather H.!) this week, taken at a Borders. Nice folks to rub shoulders with, huh?

That’s awsome. Congrats! I saw a guy reading SE while he should have been studying for final exams at my University yesterday. That’s gotta count for something!
Grats Brent.
Congrats! I just told some joker to kill himself for saying Shadow’s Edge was boring on your poll’s comment board! That’s gotta count for something! =P
I found your book/trilogy while trying to find another book in paperback. I picked up Way of the Shadows and read the first chapter. I loved it.
I bought all three books right then and there.
Ive been reading them all this week. I’m not done with the last book, but im almost there.
Vi Sovari, is my favorite character of the series.
Excellent books, I’ll buy more. I don’t want to see this series end tbh.
I was in this little book store in central WA state where i live and saw this somewhat interesting paperback cover….The way of shadows. I’ve only read 5 books in my life and so i scoffed and said “I’ll try this one first then if I like it I’ll get the others.Well the next day I ordered the rest.I’d love to see The night angel grace the silver screen.The entire epic is so entrancing…EXCELLENT !!!!!!
I just finished the triology. I bought the first book on Friday after work. I finished it that same day and bought the other two books on Sunday. It’s Tuesday and I’ve already finished the entire trilogy.
I have not had a book capture me so much that I stayed up later than I should have to finish reading it.
Despite the lack of sleep, I’d like to say Thanks! A-Mazing!
I would love to see your books made into a film just like Lord Of the Rings!
Would be awesome!
Yay! Congratulations 🙂 I couldn’t believe it when I found your books, I had been searching – no – yearning, for a book like yours for so long!
I also bought all three then and there – I knew I’d only get them later anyway…
I’m on the last book at the moment and am thoroughly enjoying it, although I should be revising for my A levels, hehehe. Well this is much more fun – thank you for writing them! 😀
Though I am only fourteen I have grow to love the first book ,and I am on the second one as we speak. I find this book beautiful in the darkest of ways. A wonderful peice that I will never forget. This book has inspiered many of my poems I write in ways I would never suspect. You are a delightful author and I hope the best for your writting to continue. You bring much promise to the world of literature.
Your trilogy is amazing. I dreaded reading the last few chapters of Beyond the Shadows because I did not want such a great story to come to an end. Yet I was unable to stop myself. Glad to hear I am not the only one who appreciates your talent. I wait patiently for whatever new stories you can gift the world with.
Brent, i gotta hand it to ya. I have read many sci-fi fantasies and the night angel series is easily the one of or the best i have read. Congrats on your success and i hope that your books can reach a level that you may have the option to make a movie out of the series. Ya know, a way those non readers can enjoy this amazing, beautiful story lol. Again, your quick success is astounding and blessings to ya man. Looking forward to reading more of your work and good luck!!!!
Man, being between Cussler and Butcher is almost as good as being the double stuff in an Oreo. LOL!
I work at a bookstore called Chapters in Vancouver, and I’d been eying the books as I shelved them for-EVER! But a) I stopped reading fantasy AGES ago (the popular “epic hero of the middle-ages” dialogue drives me INSANE. Like when they say “she was fat with child” instead of “she was pregnant”, etc) and b) I hadn’t read ONE satisfying book since .. a very long time. The Kushiel trilogy… like 2 years ago. But finally, the cover of Way of Shadows just called to me too much, and I had to buy it. Actually, I’m still 3/4s of the way through that one and I EFFING LOVE IT!!! Durzo Blint’s character alone keeps me flipped through the pages far faster than I thought I could actually read. I have been waiting for someone like him- in print- since my infatuation with Sirius Black 6 years ago. And Sirius Black was never even properly developed. Blint is awesome, and you’re dialogue is so perfect, and hilarious, and effortless. I have never read a story where the writer has brought the characters more to life. Every one of them. THANK YOU!!!
PS: I just read this- Highlander’s Book Reviews says, “I do feel it is needlessly long… it’s a novel which requires work and commitment to get into but which will ultimately provide reward.”
I say, Highlander can go… get hired by Momma K. It might clear away some of the ADD..
I’ve heard about your book nearly two years ago and I’d really fall in love with it!!! But when it’ll publish in Russin? I found on this site only 9 chapters of each book. It’s so offensive!
This is clearly not my borders….
At mine you have your own rack for each book…..
the funny thing is you go in on monday, the racks will be filled
you go in on wensday, the racks are half empty
Friday full again
Ive finshed reading your books…Id love all of them keep me reading non stop pretty much lol was pritty shocked at the ending hoping you make a 4th one and wish they make a movie of it as well think it will be a big hit on the film screen… just wants to say thank you for the joy of reading your books:)
PLZ tell me there will be another i just finished the triligy this week and i am dieing for more come on Brent help me out please they were awsome. (some of the best ive read)
Nice going there Brent, I mean seriously. I got a couple hours off from college here in the UK, two weeks ago and went into my local Waterstones. I picked up The Way of Shadows and instantly fell in love with the series after reading a few pages. I bought the entire trilogy there and then. I hadn’t read anything really for a few years until that moment. I haven’t been able to stop reading them and then suddenly, a week later, I’m just about to finish Beyond the Shadows.
I’m in the middle of writing my own series that had ground to a halt. After reading the Night Angel trilogy, a very welcomed break, I find myself inspired and compelled to write again. You did a great job there. If this series isn’t turned into a TV series or a movie, then there’s something wrong with the world! This is the most gripping story I’ve read in a very long time.
BTW, Durzo has to be my favourite character along with Momma K.
hi i’ve really enjoyed this series even though its been a pain actually getting copy’s of it, saw it months ago and when i got the money for it i bought the first book and read it in 2 days, then i’ve had to wait 2 months for the next one because it was sold out, but i have it now and i’ve read the first 50 pages and its amazing i cant wait to read more
Read the first one in 3 days; read the second in 2; held off on the third for a week, knowing it was about to end but wanting to savor it, and I just finished it. (Hoping for a trilogy prequel with Ezra and the “old ones” or a trilogy with the aftermath of the Hall of Winds)
The first book is incredible! I can’t wait to read the next two! They have to become a movie or TV series. That would be so cool!
I got the books for Christmas of my brother and like most 16 year old boys the thought of books for christmas was at first a little disappointing. I read the first 50 pages of the books out of kindness for my brother and I got hooked. The first book was the best thing I had ever read. Everyting about it is brilliant the charcters, the setting, the plot. I would love to see a movie of the book it would be perfect.
a guy who works at Waldenbooks recommended this to me. i decided to get it. every book I’ve read since then has just disappointed me. i hope you start that story that happens a few years after beyond the shadows soon.
I was browsing around my local Barnes and Nobles and saw a paperback with some kickass coverart, so I flipped it open and read a few pages. I bought the first book went home and read it the whole way through. The next day as soon as my movie date was over I dragged my girlfriend all around town trying to find the second and third book (the second was sold out). My gf never reads fiction, but I got her hooked on the first book and she’s doing her mad rush now. Great series, you definitely have a Talent.