Amazing Night Angel Art
Just wanted to share some awesome art I commissioned from the talented Nicholas Stohlman for the Weeks family Christmas cards this year. Now that the bulk of those have hopefully arrived *cough, cough*, I can’t hold off sharing any longer.

Nicholas Stohlman has a webpage here, and you can like his Facebook page here. Check it out!
(My previously scheduled monthly Writing Advice post will be up on Thursday.)
looks great. can’t wait for the new book!
Truly amazing work!
I mean, cool pic and all, but does anyone else see the dude sitting in front of a Christmas Tree ready to throw a snowball at them? Maybe it’s just me O.o
That didn’t make sense…………?
Hhmmmm – it did to me 🙂 Check out the tree. The big shiny thing on top, looks like a star that you put on one at Christmas time. The tree itself looks like a pine tree – you know, the ones you cut down and use at Christmas time to decorate. The guy drawn in the pic has what appears to be snow around me. It’s funny. I come from Australia and I can see the snow and the snowball, he has just tossed it. Do you see it now?
I mean – around him not me.
Awesome art! I wish I could draw as good… Really want to do something for the Trilogy!
Wow, this would have made an amazing cover. Would have picked that up at a bookstore without knowing the book beforehand!
The snowballs the black ka’kari wrapped in snow. Someone’s in for a very unpleasant surprise…