The New York Times Bestseller List


Brent just received news that The Blinding Knife made the New York Times Bestseller list for hardcover fiction at #11! The book is also a USA Today bestseller, and is the bestselling fantasy hardcover in both the U.S. and the U.K.

Brent wants to extend a big, big thank you to all the fans who made this possible!

13 thoughts on “The New York Times Bestseller List

  1. robert says:

    Wow good for him. he will be a renoun name in the book trade in no time, or infamous it all depends on how you look at it.

    P.S thanks for singnig by book agin brent

  2. Michael Platt says:

    Wow! You’re ahead of Georgoe R. R. Martin. Congrats. 🙂

  3. Mohammad says:

    Awesome! At this rate, seeing that The Black Prism hit what? #23, and The Blinding Knife just hit #11, then your bound to hit the top five with your next book. The only way from here is up, Brent. Keep up the great work, and congratulations.

  4. Cam says:

    I admit I’m still rereading Black Prism because I’ve been busy and am yet to buy it. My purchase is bound to send it up a few ranks, right? That’s the way it works, isn’t it?

  5. Matt says:

    Props to you! The book was great, can’t wait til the next one.

    @Michael Platt: Have to point out that Dance has been out over a year

    1. Michael Platt says:

      I know, but George has been around longer, and Dance is in the fifth book in a very popular book series, not to mention has become much, more popular over the year. But I see you’re point. 🙂

  6. Joel says:

    Just finished it. Great read. There are many thing I liked about it but don’t want to spoil anyone else’s reading experience. Can’t wait for the next one.

  7. Darakna says:

    Dear Brent,

    I’m writing this at 1am, after just finishing The Blinding knife, that I started reading the day before yesterday (yes, I admit, I was reading at work … don’t tell, okay?).

    I have only one question:

    Will you ever stop improving?

    With gratest respect,

    1. brent says:

      I keep trying!

  8. Ryan says:

    Congrats, Brent! Hands down, the best book I have read all year.

  9. Tim says:

    Great book, certainly deserves an even better spot. Great work Brent, let’s hope The Blood Mirror gets even higher.

  10. Tom says:

    Congrats – definitely deserved. Cannot wait for the next one!!! Soon please 🙂

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