New Interview at Fantascize!
Brent discusses his latest book tour experience, who he would cast in movie versions of his books, and what it was like to write The Blinding Knife. There’s also a short video at the end of the interview, featuring Brent discussing writing advice with Fantascize writer F.J. Bayog!
The interview is available HERE.
It’s amazing how much time you take, Brent, to tell people that you are just like them. It reminds me on how I help people with their math homework.
And you really do help, a lot. I learned so much from you. ^^
For the poll: What’s Gavin’s Seventh Purpose?
Great interview. It’s always nice to see what an author has to say about their own books. I can’t believe that I didnt know there were going to be four books. Pretty bad fan. :p