The Almighty Johnsons

File this under “Just for Fun”. An eagle-eyed Australian tweeted me telling me that my book had appeared briefly on a TV show over there. The show is The Almighty Johnsons and apparently follows the travails of a family who discover that they are getting the powers of the gods.

Here, apparently, is Rongo, god of food:

The Almighty Johnsons

Fitting that the god of food has good taste, eh?

New marketing tagline: “The Night Angel Trilogy. Good enough for gods, good enough for you.”

I’ll be sending signed and personalized bookplates to the reader who tipped me off. If you see my book in any quirky or fun place, please let me know, and I will do the same for you!

6 thoughts on “The Almighty Johnsons

  1. Jaren Kross says:

    I think I need to find a way to watch this show!

    Also, if I were able to get your book on the news before the guitar drops in Nashville…would that work?

    1. Deb E says:

      That is brilliant!

      It is an hilarious show, Jaren. The Kiwi humour may be lost on much of the rest of the world, but I’d like to hope it translates somewhat… A show about Norse gods, from Norsewood, Auckland, New Zealand… yeah… The show only lasted 2 seasons, but thanks to fan enthusiasm it’s going ahead with a 3rd! Yay. I’d love to think that this little bit of publicity will help it out further…

  2. That is too funny! How cool.

  3. Lauren says:

    I love brent Weeks book, I discovered him after I got my first Kindle… but is seems Brent weeks hates E books and people who read them. The pricing for his Lightbringer book 2 is way more expensive that buying it hardcover! I’d be interested in his reasoning behind the discrimination.

    1. CAPSLOCK says:

      Hi Lauren!
      Happy to hear you’re a Brent Weeks fan. 🙂
      I’m not sure if you’re in the U.S., but if you are, I just double-checked the listing price for The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer #2), and the hardcover is listed as $17.15, while the Kindle price is just $9.74, so the Kindle is actually much cheaper than the hardcopy version.
      That said, even if the Kindle price were more expensive than the hardcover, Brent doesn’t actually set the prices for his books. The price is set by his publisher and the booksellers (including Amazon) based a variety of factors.
      Brent always tries to provide quality content to the most fans in as many venues as possible — as an example, that’s one reason he released Perfect Shadow as an e-book and limited edition, even though he couldn’t get a deal for it as a hardcopy. He just doesn’t have control over the pricing.
      Hope that clears some things up!

      1. Lauren says:

        Actually that could be the case for American fans. However for Australian and non US Amazon users its $21.38. Still an exorbitant mark-up.

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