Barnes & Noble Signed Copies
*UPDATE* Thanks everyone who has ordered this. Still three weeks out from publication, and we hit #13 on Barnes & Noble’s Bestseller List! Corollary to that is: I have no idea how many copies are left. If you want to get a signed copy, order soon.
A few weeks ago, I signed 500 books for Barnes and Noble. Ooohh, signature sheets. (They bind these into the front of the book.) Pretty.
Great news, they sold out! So they wanted more. But it was too late to just do signature sheets…
Ah, that doesn’t look so bad.
Oof. All of them? And you need them when?

So I just finished signing 500 more books. If you’ve been hoping for a signed copy of The Broken Eye but won’t be able to make it to any stops on my TOUR, you can order a signed copy from Barnes & Noble HERE. (And you save 35% off the list price!) There are a limited number of these signed books, so order yours as soon as you can. Also, if you preorder, don’t forget to go HERE to get two free stories and a signed bookplate.
Update: We ran out of the first 1,000 bookplates, but Orbit and I decided to extend that as well. Signed bookplates will now be available for an additional 1,000 preorders, including the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. If you already sent in your address, we added you to the front of the line this time.
As an employee of Barnes and Noble, and a huge fan of your work, I must say that this is amazing! YOU sir, are amazing!
After a snafu with B&N, I had to reorder what I hope will be one of the signed copies. Really hoping I’m lucky enough that I ordered in time.
This made my day! And look how huge and thick the books are… Barnes and Noble might b the way to purchase this this time.
Cool! Good to see that they were selling so well that they needed more. (Not surprising, though. I have 2 signed ones ordered myself.)
Hrmmph, I didn’t know there was an option for a signed copy via B&N when I pre-ordered. I already submitted for a bookplate. Schucks. =/
There was the option, then they sold out and took the page down. Now it’s live again. :/ Can always cancel your earlier order and order the signed copy now.
Grah, I did the same as Emily. I’ma probably cancel my order and get a signed one if they’re still available. Must get signed copies of my favourite authors, haha.
Just ordered. I appreciate all your hard work, and cramped wrist. Thanks Brent!
Great pictures! Saw it on twitter yesterday and sneaked over to B&N and ordered my own copy in the middle of the night. I had no idea they offered signed copies of books. So happy that they are also delivering these to Germany 🙂
Mr Weeks is amazing. Not only his writing but his commitment to his readers.
Brent Weeks + Phonebook size novel + Awesome Barnes & Noble price + Signed book = Please take my money.
Well done
Considering no authors ever come to South Mississipi–or anywhere near–I’m really grateful authors do this. This is pretty much the only way I can get signed copies of books. Thank you so much!
I can’t explain how much I am geeking out right now. As much as I’d like to get the hard cover/pre order, I think I’ll end up getting this on Graphic Audio once it comes out. (The first part is only coming out like, 4 days later!) The Graphic Audio team is doing a great job bringing Brent’s books to life.
Just received my pre ordered copy of The Broken Eye and can’t wait to get started on it =D as I pre ordered and sent in my address i will hopefully be recieving a book plate too. I was wondering when I should expect to receive it? Many thanks!
Think Orbit said 6-8 weeks. I haven’t even gotten the bookplates yet, and then I’ll be on tour. Have to get home, sign them, and them mail them in bulk back to Orbit, then Orbit will mail them individually around the globe.
Thanks for getting back to me Brent, ur a busy man so it’s appreciated =) I’m excited to get book plate, dont mind waiting for the good stuff!
How will I know if I get a signed book plate?
Are the signed copies sold out again already? It only shows the Nook Book at the pre-order link.
As far as I can tell yes, the signed copies are all gone.
I’ve had #3 preordered since February and also bought an autographed copy from B&N. Their website says the release is Aug. 26 but your site says September. Are we safe to say that’s pretty much the same thing? I ask because I would like to get my early preordered copy signed in person while you’re here Sept. 3 but don’t want to get my hopes up if it won’t be delivered in time.
Nevermind. I found the answer to my question. See ya soon!
Well, that’s kind of disappointing. I pre-ordered the signed copy from Barnes and Noble back in June and it finally arrived today, but it wasn’t a signed copy. I guess I was just unlucky. Oh well, still excited to read the book.
So awesome, the tour looked fun! Hope I was one of the lucky 2,000 that reported our pre order in time to get one of those lucky plates! Thanks for all you do!