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Real Life Fantasy: A Perfect Rectangle… Of Ice

I’m pretty sure we know where to find Aliviana Danavis: the Larsen C ice shelf. You can’t hide from us, Liv!

What the Heck Is the Deal With This Weird, Square Iceberg?  [Hey, Live Science, pretty sure that’s a rectangle, not a square.]


Credits: NASA/Jeremy Harbeck


Thanks to NASA ICE for sharing this!

Geometric cleaving: it’s not just for Bismuth anymore! (More on Bismuth next time. Y’all are gonna love it.)

Fan Art Tuesday: Koriel Kruer

Hi friends! It’s been a minute since we’ve seen some sweet, sweet fan art. So I have a good one for you today!

A full-color map of The Seven Satrapies, as depicted by Koriel Kruer:

She sent this to us a while back, and I’m finally getting around to sharing it (sorry for the delay, Koriel).

You can find Ms. Kruer on Twitter, and find her AMAZING costume creations on Instagram. Seriously, check out her top nine from 2018:

Alrightey, back to the assisting grind. UGH, life is sooooo haaaaaard 😉

Real Life Fantasy: Animal Vision In Ultraviolet

Happy 2019 friends!

We are so excited to share the buttload of cool [BLEEP] we found with all of you. Also, you should know that Jefe is in the weeds editing, and we’re wading through the tall grass and cattails cheering him on. Gooooooooo Jefe! 

At any rate, Real Life Fantasy is back with a couple of mind-bending articles from Live Science, about animals that can see in ultraviolet:

A scorpion glowing pale blue against a black background

Cats and Dogs Can See In Ultraviolet

Butterflies Use UV Vision to Find Mates

There’s even a piece in The Atlantic about animals that not only SEE in ultraviolet, but they GLOW in UV light as well. And here you thought you were so clever with your black velvet Hendrix poster and your empty Amaretto bottles full of water and highlighter filament. *tsk*

International Cover Art: China

Take a look at these stunning cover images for THE BROKEN EYE and THE BLOOD MIRROR!



That’s… Well, that’s all we have to say for now.

Look, y’all, Christmas is one week from today. Brent is holed up in his office with a cache of eggnog and gingerbread and refuses to leave until he’s done writing. All I’m saying is there had better be a BIG FREAKIN’ PRESENT for me under the tree this year.

Fan Art Tuesday: A Lightbringer Gem!

In the spirit of the season, today’s post is a little bit Fan Art and a little bit “Here’s an idea if you’re looking for a gift for the Brent Weeks fan who has everything.”

Small faceted yellow oval gemstone


Brothers Stephen and Tim Challener cut a gemstone to look like yellow luxin! It’s hard to capture how beautiful it is–and in the evening light, it looks like it’s glowing. Stunning!

They had this to say about these special gems:

“We call these stones ‘yellow luxin’ because they have an uncanny glow to them, like the magical gemstone in the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks. He was kind enough to let us use the name, which is incredibly nice of him. In the Lightbringer series, perfect yellow luxin is an indestructible material made out of yellow light, which glows in the dark and can be used to fuel other magics. In our world, this is a rare type of synthetic garnet – a cerium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet currently used in lasers, LEDs, & x-ray detectors. It is one of the most fluorescent crystals that can be manufactured – and most of the more fluorescent ones, like NaI:TI (we Googled it for you: sodium iodide doped with thalium), are extremely soft and don’t like water. This synthetic garnet will happily turn just about any light in the spectrum above yellow into yellow light. This gives it a very uncanny glow, particularly under indirect sunlight. Your eye tells you something weird is going on, because the stone is more yellow than it should be – it’s like it’s Photoshopped into real life.”

They have an appropriately successful (which is to say, flourishing) store on Etsy, with rough and faceted gemstone necklaces, rings, and earrings. There’s an impressive collection of beautiful and unique stones, many of which they mined themselves. They also have an Instagram page, which features their jewelry as well as some beautiful images of light captured by the gemstones. Gorgeous work, guys!

Yellow "luxin" gemstone from a second angle

Yellow "luxin" gemstone from a third angle

Real Life Fantasy: Black FIRE!

You ever notice that fire doesn’t cast a shadow? I mean, it seems obvious that a light source wouldn’t specifically have its own shadow, right?

Well, guess what?

This guy at The Action Lab shows you how to reveal the true nature of that fickle plasma. Yeah, we see you, fire–and your charred, malevolent heart. Fire can, in fact, absorb certain wavelengths of light (under the right conditions).

Without further ado:

Kinda makes me wonder if

Show Spoilers

lightsickness (especially after drafting black) is due to a lack of electrolytes. Like, here, Gavin, drink some of this Gatorade and everything will be A-OK, you devil.

Throwback Thursday: Night Angel Edition VIII

Here it is, folks: our last look back at NIGHT ANGEL in its nascence.

Now we move on to THE BURNING WHITE.

I’m currently standing RIGHT NEXT next to Brent, staring him down while he tries to type, muttering something about the meaninglessness of life in a soft monotone, in kind of a homage to Persona/Animaniacs. 

Since I’m 5’2″, I’m also standing on a box of copies of THE BLACK PRISM.


*runs for her life*

Fan Art Tuesday: Paul Reinwand

Hi friends!

We’ve been talking about Night Angel quite a bit lately, but now that the 10th Anniversary omnibus is out, it’s time to switch back to Lightbringer!

Check out this fantastic (and creepy!) depiction of The Color Prince by Paul Reinwand. We’ve been hanging onto this one for a while, and I’m pretty sure he drew it a while before we found it. But here he is, in all his burned glory:

A man's burned head with pieces of blue, red, yellow, and superviolet luxin infused in the scars

You can find more of Paul’s spectacular work online at his website, Instagram, and Twitter.

Deal on the Night Angel Omnibus at The Signed Page

Hello fellow Night Angel enthusiasts!

I see you.

Yeah, YOU.

You’re laying on your couch, still in your jammies. A plate of leftovers is on the end table next to you. Uncle Fred is visiting, and he has taken over the recliner and the remote, and is shouting at the television while college students run around on a field tossing a ball to each other. Your Grandma is in the kitchen, talking Mom’s ear off, micromanaging her baking and blasting Mannheim Steamroller. You’re lurking on Reddit and sipping a hot toddie.

You opted out of Black Friday, in a silent protest of conspicuous consumption.

You’re so smart, friend.

You’re also cursing a bit of bad luck you’ve run into, where you missed out on a chance to buy a signed copy of the Astonishing, Spectacular, Resplendent, Death-Defying, Super Special, Blacker-Than-Black, 10th Anniversary Hardcover Night Angel Omnibus.


The Signed Page is having a weekend sale on signed copies of the omnibus–Friday through Monday. The guys over at The Signed Page package every order with care, ensuring your book arrives in pristine condition. Quantities are limited, so jump on this deal while you can!

Also, a little heads up: Brent is facing the Mother of All Deadlines in the next two weeks, so you’ll have to put up with me here on the website for a bit. Once he has cleared that hurdle, we have some fun things to share with everyone.