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Broken Eye Excerpts On Wattpad


UPDATE: Chapters 1-9 are now available HERE!

In the lead up to publication of The Broken Eye, we’ll be releasing the first 50 pages (chapters 1-9!) on Wattpad. (Wattpad is a writing community where users can post articles, stories, poems and includes work by both published and new writers.)

The first five chapters of The Broken Eye are available today. More chapters will be released over the next few days. Go HERE to follow Brent’s Wattpad account and read the excerpts.

Fantasy Faction Interviews Brent


Brent has an extensive new interview over at Fantasy Faction — probably his longest interview ever! Find out the answers to questions about the Nine Kings game, Brent’s thoughts on e-publication and the novella, what Brent’s goal is as a writer, and more.

P.S. Brent would like to thank Marc Aplin and Fantasy Faction for all their fine contributions to discussions in the genre.

Barnes & Noble Recommended Reading

Brent Weeks' Picks

Have you been looking for something to read while you wait for The Broken Eye to be released? Brent has some recommendations. Go HERE to see his Top 10 Fantasy books– classics, modern masters, upstarts, and tongue-in-cheek.

And while you’re at it, if you’d like a signed copy of The Broken Eye, Barnes & Noble is selling those HERE.

Goodreads Re-Read: The Lightbringer Series


With the third book of The Lightbringer Series publishing in just under 2 months, Brent’s publisher has launched a re-read of the series in a special Goodreads group. This month, we’re reading The Black Prism, and starting July 30th, we’ll be re-reading The Blinding Knife. Go HERE to join in on the weekly polls and challenges, introduce yourself to other Brent Weeks fans, and discuss everything from The Black Prism‘s best characters to theories about the Broken Eye.

Goodreads Giveaway & Books-a-Million Deal

Weeks_Black Prism-TP
Brent’s publisher Orbit is hosting a Goodreads giveaway of the trade paperback version of The Black Prism. There are 10 copies available, and you can enter to win from now until July 1, 2014. (Due to shipping costs, it is only open to readers in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland.) If you’re a Goodreads user, go HERE to participate!

In other news, Books-a-Million is — for a limited time — hosting The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife in their stores on their Buy 2 Get 1 Free tables. If you were looking for an excuse to buy a few more books (and of course you were!), go check it out!