THE BURNING WHITE: One Month From Release Day, an Excerpt, & FB Live

Hi friends!

The spectacular finale to the Lightbringer Series, THE BURNING WHITE, will be unleashed upon the world one month from today.

To celebrate, we’re sharing the two opening scenes from the book (for those of you who aren’t newsletter subscribers):

Also, the next Facebook LIVE Q&R is set for this Wednesday (25 Sept) at 2pm PDT. Bring your questions!

And just in case you haven’t pre-ordered your copy of the book yet, here’s how you can do that:


What’s Your Favorite Scene In Lightbringer?

We know there are some of you who aren’t into social media (FB, IG, & Twitter), so we’re posting this question here:

What’s your most favorite scene from Lightbringer?

If you could pick one chapter from one book, which one would you pick?

And hey, please include spoiler alerts where necessary.


p.s. My (Dread Pirate CAPSLOCK) favorite is either Chapter 75 of Broken Eye… or Chapter 68 of The Burning White 😉 (you don’t HAVE to reference the chapter number, I’m just doing it to keep everything spoiler-free)

Lightbringer Reread: Highlighting Daniel Greene

In the spirit of Orbit’s Lightbringer Reread, we wanted to share more of Daniel Greene’s reviews, featured on his YouTube page.

We’re getting SO CLOSE to October!



He has more Weeksiverse (I just made that up right now) related content and tons of other fantastic fantasy reviews on his YouTube Channel.

And if you’re on Facebook, remember to RSVP to the White Hot Book Tour Event near you!

Where to Get a Signed Copy of THE BURNING WHITE

Hi friends,

We heard a rumor that you’re looking for a retailer who will let you pre-order a signed copy of THE BURNING WHITE.

Look no further! Below is the list of booksellers who will have limited quantities of signed stock (with the fancy designed page in front). 

My good friend Harry offered to help with these.

These beauties are selling like hotcakes, so politely inquire with your favorite friendly bookseller what is available for pre-order. Please note that since some of these are tour stops, you should specify which edition you are looking for when asking about availability (the pre-signed fancy-paged edition, or the not-yet-signed but gonna-show-up-for-the-man-himself-to-sign edition).

If there are any updates or changes, they’ll be noted right here. Go forth, minions!


Order Online (availability may vary):

The Signed Page (Ships internationally):

Indigo (Canada):

Waterstones (UK):

VJ Books (Ships internationally):

Barnes and Noble:


Call or In Person

These stores have ordered stock of the signed editions with the special inscription plate. Stop-in or call for details before ordering – the editions listed on their websites may not be the signed ones. If the listing is marked with a (*), make sure to specify that you’re looking for the pre-signed edition.

Alexander Book: San Francisco, CA

Auntie’s Bookstore: Spokane, WA

Book Shop Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz, CA

The Bookloft: Great Barrington, MA

Joseph-Beth Books: Cincinnati, OH & Lexington, KY

*Mysterious Galaxy: San Diego, CA

Mysteries on Main Street: St. Johnstown, NY

*Powell’s Books Inc: Various Locations, OR

Schuller Books: Grand Rapids, MI

*The Tattered Cover: Denver, CO

Third Place Books: Various Locations, WA

Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore: Minneapolis, MN

*University Bookstore: Seattle, WA

Vroman’s Bookstore: Pasadena, CA


*I’ll be signing books in person at this location as part of the White Hot Book Tour.

August Q&R video, White Hot Tour Dates

Hi friends!

Brent held the August edition of his monthly Q&R on Facebook LIVE last week. In case you missed it, see below, in all its unparalleled glory:

Aaaaaaaaand, we’ve announced details for Brent’s upcoming White Hot Book Tour, to promote The Burning White. Check out Brent’s events page!

If you’re going to one of Brent’s tour stops and you use Facebook, be sure to RSVP to the FB event and put the date on your calendar:


The Blinding Knife: Reread with The Fantasy Inn

The Lightbringer re-read is in full swing, and the fine folks at The Fantasy Inn read book #2 (The Blinding Knife) shared the full review on their website yesterday. Go forth, click through, tally ho! Or something.

Featuring covers from all 5 Lightbringer books

ALSO: Barnes & Noble had special edition signed copies of THE BURNING WHITE available for pre-order…. Until yesterday evening, when they sold out. (!!!) Stay tuned for more news on the availability of signed copies, the audiobook, and tour stops!

Meanwhile, you should go pre-order a second copy of the book from your favorite purveyor of fine literature, for that friend or family member who will flip out when they open it as their extra special Halloween present from their new favorite person (you).

This lady loves alliteration almost as much as laughter.