MORE Night Angel T-Shirts (Women’s Sizes Too!)

So pleased to announce that more men’s shirts are available to order — as well as these awesome new women’s shirts! We also have extended sizing now available. If you don’t see your size, contact us at and we should be able to get those to you for a few dollars more! Go HERE to order.

And just in case you forgot how great our regular t-shirts are:

Black Night Angel Shirt

White Night Angel Shirt

Shipping will begin about April 4th — once we have the t-shirts from the printer. Shipping U.S. only (though we hope to change that soon).

Announcing Night Angel T-Shirts!

UPDATE: ALL t-shirts are now sold out! Thank you everyone for the favorable response! We’ll post another update soon! 

We are so pleased to announce the launch of our own Night Angel T-shirts!

We have a very limited quantity available of two shirts, featuring images from the Night Angel graphic novel. Aren’t these stunning?

White Night Angel Shirt

Black Night Angel Shirt

Go HERE to order.

We are currently shipping US only, though we hope to launch internationally in the future. Shipping will begin March 11. As we gauge interest, we may offer more sizes as well.

Our shipment options are a little funky on the programming side right now, so please be sure to select “First Class Mail” when ordering one t-shirt.

We hope to bring you a newer, shinier, better version of the web store in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, please be patient with us and email “elisa at” if you have any questions. She will get back to you within one business day.

Fan Art Tuesday: Vynthallas

Fan artist Vynthallas has put together some really fun illustrations of Night Angel characters, including this one of Kylar Stern with the black ka’kari:

Kylar Stern and the Black Kakari

Go HERE to see more Night Angel illustrations!

Update: This fan art is a composition of various other pieces. Vynthallas explicitly credits it on his DeviantArt page: “Body (Witcher), Face (Final Fantasy), some little various parts from Assassin’s Creed, and the Ka’kari I took off the official Homepage from Brent Weeks (Artist: “Ninjaman Todd“)” — We apologize for not including the list here as well. (Thank you to Patrick, in the comments, for the links!)