Fan Art Tuesday: YraelMogget
YraelMogget created this illustration of Acaelus Thorne. You can see more of their work HERE.
YraelMogget created this illustration of Acaelus Thorne. You can see more of their work HERE.
New Writing Advice post! Go HERE to see Brent’s thoughts on how to make your world come alive in every scene.
Brent’s French publisher, Bragelonne, is releasing a special collector’s edition of the first Night Angel book, The Way of Shadows. Take a look:
The books are covered in soft imitation leather, rounded spines, and feature creamy white paper. All for just €16.90. The first three books in this special collectors edition series will be published April 15, will be followed by two more books in August.
Check out this detail from the cover!
For more pictures of other books that will be included in this special line, go to the Bragelonne website for more details.
Update: If you’d like to order a copy, you can find them HERE.
In just six weeks, Brent will be visiting France! Join him at the Imaginales 2015 festival in Épinal, from 28-31 May 2015. Go HERE for more information.
The Broken Eye has just been nominated for the David Gemmell Legend Award! Voting on the long list closes at midnight on Friday, 15 May. Other nominees include Half a King by Joe Abercrombie, City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett, Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson, Fools Assassin by Robin Hobb, Tower Lord by Anthony Ryan and many more.
The complete list is HERE. Voting just requires three clicks!
Fan artist Enife responded to a color scheme challenge by creating these awesome Night Angel character illustrations:
Go HERE to see more of her work!
Over at Meghan Ward’s Writerland, Laura Joyce Davis interviews four authors — including Brent! — about how they like to shake things up with their approach to book signings. Go HERE to read more.
For his Danish readers, Brent gave an interview in 2013 to Danish blogger Anne Nikoline. She’s opened a new blog and has re-posted the interview over on Windblown Pages. Go HERE to read about Brent’s thoughts on his weaknesses as a writer, his favorite Night Angel character, and which media form (other than his own book!) he’d most like to experience the Night Angel Series.
El Ojo Fragmentado is already receiving some great reviews! Via News and Fantífica have both published their perspectives on the third Lightbringer book.
I enjoyed this quote from Via News in particular: “He disfrutado enormemente leyendo El Ojo Fragmentado, y es que a pesar de que no veamos ninguna de las muchas batallas que se referencian en el libro no es menos cierto que el lector no encontrará un momento de respiro mientras la acción salta de un personaje a otro creando pequeños cliffhangers que harán que os comáis las uñas… y que os hará llegar al hueso hasta la publicación de The Blood Mirror, un año de espera… qué duro.”
(If, like me, you only speak English, you can look at the Google Translate version HERE.)