Fan Art Tuesdays: Zinantis
This awesome depiction of Elene Cromwyll is courtesy of artist Zinantis. You can see more of their work on DeviantArt and on Wysp.
This awesome depiction of Elene Cromwyll is courtesy of artist Zinantis. You can see more of their work on DeviantArt and on Wysp.
It’s a short one this month, but Brent answers a few good questions:
1. Will he ever write in another genre? (If so… what genre?)
2. How has having a child affected his life/writing/plans?
Over at DeviantART, you can see more of her work. Below is her depiction of Teia from The Lightbringer Series:
Fantasy Faction has released their top Fantasy books of 2014 — and The Broken Eye is in the top 3!
“With The Blinding Knife taking Brent Weeks from being one to watch to genre superstar. We were expecting huge things from The Broken Eye and Brent certainly delivered.”
Go HERE to get more suggestions for your TBR pile!
Also known as Sir-Heartsalot over on Deviantart, Joe Harty has given us a new look at the characters from The Lightbringer world:
Go to his Deviantart page or his Tumblr to see more of his depictions of fictional character, from Scott Lynch’s Locke Lamora to Pat Rothfuss’s Name of the Wind… and even Charlotte Brönte’s Jane Eyre.
Over on DeviantArt, you can check out Mogneto’s awesome depiction of Karris White Oak:
Go HERE to see more of her work!
Check it out. Brent answers this question:
Has writing a new magic system changed how you’re going to approach magic when you return to the Night Angel world? How?