New Interview at

Making ComicsCHECK OUT Brent’s discussion with interviewer Kevin Cullen of Making Comics. Kevin got Brent to share details on worldbuilding,the challenges (and awesomeness) of translating a novel to a comic,  and how the adaptation team scripted The Way of Shadows graphic novel.


Fan Art Tuesday: Mario Fernandes

Artist Mario Fernandes has some amazing drawings of characters from The Night Angel Trilogy and The Lightbringer Series. You can go HERE to see his depictions of Vi Sovari, Andross Guile, Ironfist, and more.

Below, two pieces from his gallery:

Captain Gunner Illustration

Turtle Bear Illustration

Mario notes: “Brent Weeks’s writing takes me on a journey so vivid, populated with such compelling characters that I can’t help but explore it further through drawing.”

A Night Angel Love Story…?

A reader’s mom wrote me recently:


They “met on a Bart Train in SF California, my son was reading this book and she had just finished it…so she introduced herself….and a love story began.  He proposed in a book store [Four-Eyed Frog Books, where he arranged with the store owner to put The Way of Shadows in a place she would find it]. He carved the center out, placed his engagement ring in the center of the book….and when she found it he proposed.”
Frog Eyed books_engagement_border



We all wish you the greatest happiness! Thank you so much to Connie for sharing these stories and the pictures. (And thanks to Four-Eyed Frog Books for facilitating this. Hooray for awesome booksellers!)

Authors Give Advice to Younger Selves

suvudu-logoOver at Suvudu, Shawn Speakman has gathered advice from numerous authors — advice that they’d give to their younger selves, if they could. Brent shared a few thoughts, and contributors include Kevin Hearne, Robin Hobb, Kelley Armstrong and others! Go HERE to check it out.

Additionally, Shawn has signed copies of The Broken Eye 40% off the original asking price! (It’s now just $20 for an author-signed copy, rather than $33.) Go HERE to get yours!

Comic Book Therapy Interview


Over at Comic Book Therapy, Brent has a new interview up about the creative process for The Way of Shadows graphic novel. Go HERE to check it out.

P.S. The People Have Spoken! The Green Wight and Blackguards photo has won the fan choice, and will also be getting the wonderful prize behind door three. (Also, new poll!)

Goodreads Semi-Finals & Giveaway

Good news! The Broken Eye has made it to the semi-final round of the Goodreads Choice Award (pick for Best Fantasy). Thanks to all who voted! If you’d like to help get me to the next round, go HERE to vote.

To celebrate The Broken Eye being nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award, my publisher is giving away 5 copies. Anyone in the US, Canada, UK and Ireland is eligible. Go HERE to enter. The giveaway closes December 1, 2014.


2014 Halloween Costume Contest Winners

We received many excellent entries. Though we didn’t have space to include every submission in this post, many thanks to all who participated! There was much gnashing of teeth, several fist fights, and one trip to the ER as we calmly and rationally debated the merits of each costume.

First, we had the smart-alecks. Of course we did:

Fourth Place (Nick C.):

The Color Prince and a Red Wight

Third place (Ollie O.):

Dorian Ursuul Cosplay (2)_FourthPlace
Dorian Ursuul

Second place (Nicola R.):

The Third Eye

Grand Prize Winner (Dominika P.):

Logan in the Dungeon, with the key

Honorable Mentions:
I’ll be sending each of you a Lightbringer bookplate! (Click to enlarge — for some reason with the larger files you’ll need to click and then click again.)

So what do you think? Did we get it right or did we mess up? Let us know over in poll –> and we’ll send a special prize to the fan favorite. (We’ll close that poll for voting purposes next Monday.)

Sci-Fi Authorfest 8


Get your books signed by Brent (and other amazing authors like Devon Monk, Ken Scholes, and too many more to name here) this Sunday, November 9th at 4pm. Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing is hosting, and The Cloud City Garrison of the 501st Imperial Legion and the Kashyyk Base of the Rebel Legion will also be on-hand. More details (and a list of all attending authors!) HERE.