Some years you say to yourself, “Sweet! George hasn’t published a book, and Neil hasn’t published a book! Maybe I’ve got a…” and then you see the paranormal fantasy and the fantasy genres have been collapsed into one, and now you’re listed not only among Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Mark Lawrence, but also Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, and… you just stop reading at that point, because why bother?
On the other hand, I have to say being listed among all these great writers is hugely thrilling and quite an honor. It’s pretty awesome to be mentioned in the same breath with these fantasy greats. So if you want to get a list of great fantasy books to read, click over HERE. And if St. Jude — patron saint of lost causes — is your guy, maybe you can even throw out a vote for me. 😉
Just a reminder, we’ve got a Halloween Costume Contest going!
Grand Prize:
A complete signed set of The Lightbringer Series, in Hardcover, and the first THREE chapters of The Blood Mirror! (Nobody else has this. Not even my editor. But you can’t share it with anyone!)
Click to enlarge for a sneak peek!
Second Place:
A signed hardcover of The Broken Eye, and signed copies of The Blinding Knife and The Black Prism in trade paperback.
Third Place:
A signed copy of The Broken Eye.
Fourth Place:
Three signed, personalized bookplates.
1. Entries may be submitted NOW until Monday, November 3rd at 5pm Pacific Standard Time.
2. Entry must include a picture of you in a costume inspired by the Night Angel Trilogy or The Lightbringer Series (go HERE to check out the Night Angel character sketches), along with a one or two sentence description.
3. International entries are allowed and encouraged!
4. As long as the costume is materially yours, some Photoshop is fine (no presenting characters from movies or video games by putting a gloss of Photoshop on it and saying it’s your costume).
5. Two entries allowed per person, but you can only win once.
6. The subject line of the email should read: 2014 Costume Contest
7. Address the email to CAPSLOCK @ (no spaces; and as in previous years, Brent will be selecting the winners).
8. The costume must be family-friendly (as usual, we’d like to display the best entries on the website and we can’t do that if it’s not appropriate for younger fans).
9. Other:
Video submissions are allowed, but Brent is judging the costume, not the video. Brent will judge costumes individually if you have two people in a photo, but only one person will receive a prize. You must be 18 or older to win (younger participants are welcome, but by law I can’t give you a prize). No purchase is necessary. Odds of winning are based on the number of entries. We will notify winners via email; you must respond within 7 days, or another winner will be chosen. The grand prize is worth approximately $100. Second place is worth approximately $60. Third place is worth approximately $30. Fourth place is worth about $15.
Winners will be announced on Monday, November 10, 2014.
Are you in the military? Do you not want to be beaten by the Army? (Or do you want to make sure the Army wins?) Below is a picture that sets the bar for awesome. Whoever can take the photo that’s the nearest to being as cool as this will get a signed copy of The Way of Shadows graphic novel, and a signed copy of The Broken Eye. I’ll send the prizes to any APO or stateside address. Due Friday, October 31!
If the winner somehow manages to take a picture that’s even cooler than this, I’ll throw in something extra, too.
Captain E.H. shares these photos from Kandahar, Afghanistan:
Those photos? Taken from one of these:
This contest is only for members of the military (or spouses). Members of non-US militaries are also eligible. I’ll do my best to be impartial.
The photo has to be yours, it has to feature one of my books, and it has to be real. (We’ll do a fake photo contest soon, save your Photoshop skills.) To enter, send your photo to CONTEST (at) brent weeks (dot) com.
Over at the Orbit Books, Brent’s got a new interview about The Way of Shadows graphic novel. If you’d like to hear what surprised him about having the novel adapted, who his favorite hero from comics is, and just waht comic books he’d recommend to fantasy fans… go HERE.
The graphic novel is available NOW in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. (Note that you can purchase it in hardcover OR in digital format!) And if you live anywhere near Portland, Oregon, you can come to a special reading at the Bridgeport Barnes & Noble at 7pm tonight. Details HERE.
If you haven’t already, order your copy at any of the following bookstores:
Brent sat down with Patrick Hester of SF Signal to discuss what Brent’s working on now, the Dread Pirate Roberts, that very cruel prank he played on his fans last tour — and how he managed to top it.
The Way of Shadows graphic novel is also being published in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand on October 7th. Click the links below to pre-order your copies! There’s still time to pre-order and get your bonuses (see HERE for how to do that).
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