Folks, this may be the beginning of the end. I have now joined Instagram.
Turns out my real name — and my usual internet aliases (characters from my books) — are taken, so on Instagram, I am: AndrossGuile. Naturally.
I plan to update you daily with a little snapshot while I’m on tour. Otherwise, I probably won’t be using Instagram very often. I make no claims to photographic talent or skill. Filters will probably feature heavily. 😉
If you attend one of my signings and take pictures, tag them with #BrokenEyeTour. We plan to do a big round-up of our favorites from The Broken Eye tour and can use all the help we can get! So go crazy: pics of you with the book, with me, with your friends and the book, in front of the bookstore, etc. etc. We’ll even give a free Lightbringer t-shirt to one of you. (Apparently, legally, I can’t just give it to the best. It has to be random. I hate being legal.)

Also. New poll. Check it out. —->