The Broken Eye ARC Giveaway

UPDATE: We have a winner! We’ve just emailed her. Congratulations to Orca Chic! If we don’t hear back from her in the next day or so, we also do have some alternates.

Broken Eye ARC

Because I love my fans, I’m giving away my last ARC (advance reader’s copy) of The Broken Eye. I will ship it anywhere in the world. How do you get a shot at this? Well, I tried to do the giveaway on Facebook, but there were Terms of Service. And lawyers. And possible banning. All because I wanted to give away a book. For free. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world. So…

If you’re signed up for the Brent Weeks newsletter, you are already entered. If you haven’t signed up for the Brent Weeks newsletter yet, just enter your email in the blue banner at the top of this page in the next 24 hours, and you could win! I will announce the winner and the ship the book tomorrow after 12pm Pacific Standard Time. Good luck!

(I really don’t spam the newsletter list. I only send a few updates a year.)

Brent, Brent, where is this mysterious blue ribbon? I can’t find it anywhere!

Ok, fine, but we’re risking a Level 2 Inception here.



Pre-Order Bonuses

Planning to buy The Broken Eye? Already got the book on order? Awesome. Let me give you free stuff!

Brent with thumbs up

As a special thank-you to those of you who pre-order, I’m giving away a thousand signed bookplates and two brand-new pieces of fiction.

1) From the Lightbringer universe: “GUNNER’S APPRENTICE.” A short story featuring Kip.

2a) From Midcyru: “I, NIGHT ANGEL.” Featuring Kylar. This may be the beginning of a new Night Angel novel.

2b) Prefer audiobooks, or just long to hear the honeyed-gravel tones of my rugged Montana accent? You can either read or listen to me narrate “I, Night Angel.” Or go wild and do both. I don’t judge.

3) Oh, and one more thing. We’re cooking up a new bookplate — that’s a nice sticker to put in the front of your book with custom art on it. For the first thousand people, we’ll mail you one. Signed by me. Free. Postage on us.

You’ll be able to enjoy both stories from your computer, your smart phone, your Kindle Nook, or other e-reader.

To find out how to get your loot, go HERE.*

Haven’t pre-ordered yet???? Go HERE for a long list of retailers.


* Currently U.S., U.K., and Canada only. Fuller explanation HERE.



Digital Graphic Novel Sampler

A big thank-you to Barnes & Noble, who are making their exclusive The Way of Shadows graphic novel sampler available FREE to everyone via digital download. So if you couldn’t make it in to a Barnes & Noble this past weekend to grab the admittedly-cooler physical version, you can still get your copy HERE. (The download link for the PDF is right below the cover image.)


Goodreads Re-Read: The Lightbringer Series


With the third book of The Lightbringer Series publishing in just under 2 months, Brent’s publisher has launched a re-read of the series in a special Goodreads group. This month, we’re reading The Black Prism, and starting July 30th, we’ll be re-reading The Blinding Knife. Go HERE to join in on the weekly polls and challenges, introduce yourself to other Brent Weeks fans, and discuss everything from The Black Prism‘s best characters to theories about the Broken Eye.

The Broken Eye Book Tour

Click the links to get more details over at the Facebook pages for these events!

Powells_logo1Powell’s at Cedar Hill Crossing, Beaverton, OR
Tuesday, August 26 at 7pm

open-bookUniversity Bookstore, Seattle, WA
Wednesday, August 27 at 7pm

Borderlands_Books_B&W_LogoBorderlands, San Francisco, CA
Thursday, August 28 at 7pm

mysterious1Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego, CA
Friday, August 29 at 7pm

TatteredCoverLogoTattered Cover, Denver, CO
Saturday, August 30 at 2pm

kingsenglishThe King’s English Bookshop, Salt Lake City, UT
Tuesday, September 2 at 7pm

Murder by the BookMurder by the Book, Houston, TX
Wednesday, September 3 at 6:30pm

Barnes-Noble-logoBarnes & Noble Booksellers, Roseville, MN
Thursday, September 4 at 7pm

Joseph-BethJoseph-Beth Booksellers, Cincinnati, OH:
Friday, September 5 at 7pm

Barnes-Noble-logoBarnes & Noble, Madison, WI
Saturday, September 6 at 3pm

bb_logo2The Book Bin, Salem, OR
Monday, September 8 at 7pm

We’ll be posting an update in a few weeks featuring details on whether you need to buy a ticket for the event, a book at the bookstore, and other helpful information. Stay tuned!


Goodreads Giveaway & Books-a-Million Deal

Weeks_Black Prism-TP
Brent’s publisher Orbit is hosting a Goodreads giveaway of the trade paperback version of The Black Prism. There are 10 copies available, and you can enter to win from now until July 1, 2014. (Due to shipping costs, it is only open to readers in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland.) If you’re a Goodreads user, go HERE to participate!

In other news, Books-a-Million is — for a limited time — hosting The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife in their stores on their Buy 2 Get 1 Free tables. If you were looking for an excuse to buy a few more books (and of course you were!), go check it out!

Fan Art: Xbox 360 Controller

Check out this amazing fan art. Shaun W.  and Phil B.  created this unique Xbox 360 Controller:


If you’d like to see more of their designs you can check out the website for KustomKontrollers (which does the airbrushing) HERE or like their Facebook page HERE, and you can find Modded Controllers UK’s Facebook page HERE.

Small disclaimer: These aren’t official Night Angel designs: no money or licensing has changed hands. I just consider this a great fan project and thought you all would like to see their creativity and talent!