Goodreads: Ask the Author

ask the author

Do you feel like my FAQ just doesn’t cover the bases? Are you dying to know if I’ll bring back Blue? Want to ask for hints about The Broken Eye? Just want to see what kind of cookies I  like best so you can bring them to a signing (hint hint)?

Good news! Goodreads is rolling out a brand new feature, Ask the Author, which allows you to submit questions on their website. If/when I’m able to respond, you’ll see the question and answer on my Goodreads page. I’ll have this feature turned on when I’m taking questions — and I’ll be sure to announce those times here — and I’ll be starting TODAY. So head on over HERE, scroll down below the “Brent Weeks’s Books” Section to submit questions, and I’ll work on responding to as many as I can this afternoon!

Retailers Still Taking Pre-Orders

The Broken Eye HC

Many of you have no doubt heard that Amazon and Hachette are in the middle of contract negotiations. Amazon has increased shipping times, removed discounts, and suspended pre-orders for many Hachette books, including mine. Here is a list of links to retailers who stock my books in the United States.  

This is not an exhaustive list. Feel free to add quality booksellers in the comments. I grabbed ones I have visited personally or that I’ve heard are excellent.

P.S. If you pre-order The Broken Eye from any retailer, U.S. or international, take a quick picture or a screengrab of your receipt. No promises, but I’m trying hard to come up with a nice pre-order bonus for you. I’ll post about that in the future.


— currently 40% off


— currently 35% off



— currently 30% off



The Signed Page — pre-order a signed copy of The Broken Eye

Albuquerque, NM — Bookworks
Athens, GA — Avid Bookshop
Atlanta, GA — A Cappella Books
Austin, TX — BookPeople
Bellingham, WA — Village Books
Boston, MA — Harvard Bookstore
Brooklyn, NY — WORD Bookstores
Chapel Hill, NC — Flyleaf Books
Charleston, SC — Blue Bicycle Books*
Cheboygan, MI — Purple Tree Books*
Chicago, IL — Quimby’s Bookstore*
Cincinnati, OH — Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Denver, CO — The Tattered Cover
Galveston, TX — Galveston Bookshop*
Grand Rapids, MI — Schuler Books*
Greenville, SC — Fiction Addiction*
Houston, TX — Murder Books
Indianapolis, IN — Indy Reads Books*
Jersey City, NJ — WORD Bookstores
Lake Forest Park, WA — Third Place Books
Lansing, MI — Schuler Books*
Lexington, KY — Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Los Angeles, CA — The Last Bookstore*
Miami, FL — Books & Books
Minneapolis, MN — Magers & Quinn Booksellers*
Missoula, MT — Fact & fiction
Montague, MA — Montague Bookmill*
Montpelier, VT — Bear Pond Books
Naperville, IL — Anderson’s Bookshop
Nashville, TN — Parnassus Books
New Orleans, LA — Maple Street Bookshop
New York, NY — McNally Jackson
Oak Park, MI — Book Beat*
Oswego, NY — River’s End Bookstore
Oxford, MS — Square Books
Philadelphia, PA — Joseph Fox Bookshop
Pittsburgh, PA — Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Portland, OR — Powell’s Books
Redondo Beach, CA — Mysterious Galaxy*
Salem, OR — Reader’s Guide*
Salt Lake City, UT — The King’s English
San Diego, CA — Mysterious Galaxy*
San Francisco, CA — Borderlands*
Scottsdale, AZ — The Poisoned Pen
Seattle, WA — University Bookstore
St. Louis, MO — Subterranean Books
Washington, DC — Politics & Prose

We’ve only listed U.S. bookstores because the Amazon/Hachette dispute only affects U.S. preorders.

*This retailer does not have an online preorder option for books. Call or visit.

Goodreads Goodness


locke & key 2


Locke and Key4




Over on Goodreads, Brent’s just posted a long review of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke & Key. See why Brent thinks this series is a must-read (or as he put it: “reading Locke & Key… was like volunteering to be taken to school.”)

On a related note, Goodreads is a great place to keep up-to-date on what Brent’s reading, see his occasional reviews, and take a few quizzes about his books. He’s even posted some lists of the books that inspired him and helped him become a better writer. Brent’s publisher also runs some Goodreads-exclusive giveaways from time to time. You can friend or follow him on Goodreads HERE. (But you don’t need to be a member of Goodreads to read his reviews or see his lists.)

We also have a couple of quizzes based on your knowledge of the Seven Satrapies! (Note: the glossary and character list may be helpful.)

Brent Weeks Takes the Pug Challenge

A few weeks ago, Justin Landon interviewed Sam Sykes (self-proclaimed Angriest Man on the Internet) over at Rocket Talk. While discussing various important issues in the SFF world, they made the following comments:

Sam: ‘Cause I — it really bugs me when people, like, send me pug pictures. I have a pug. His name is Otis. And he’s awesome. And I post a lot of pictures of him —
Justin: — A lot. —
Sam: — A lot. Because I think he’s awesome and he’s funny-looking and he does strange things. But, you know, people seem to think this means I am like one of those old ladies who has ceramic pugs, and my welcome mat says “Beware of pugs”.
Justin: Have fans sent you pugs?
Sam: Like, pug, like, little…
Justin: Like little porcelain pugs?
Sam: No, no. 
Justin: Can I just say that if anybody listening to this podcast sends Sam a porcelain pug, I will send you something.
Sam: I will send you a bomb!
Justin: If a fan sends you a porcelain pug, I will send that fan a gift.

[You can listen to the podcast HERE — relevant portion is at the 39:47 mark]


Needless to say, I took immediate action:


If you want to see the pug-egg with real Swarovski crystals in all its glory, I’m sure Sam Sykes will be bringing it with him on tour for his forthcoming book, A City Stained Red. Or you can click HERE.

If you just want to be mean to Sam, tweet or FB him, “Pugs leave paw prints on our hearts.” He loves that.

Pawprints on our Hearts

Fantasy authors, nearly as fun as romance writers.

Speculate Podcast Part 2



The second half of the two-part Speculate Podcast is now live! Go HERE to listen to Brent, Peter V. Brett, Brad Beaulieu, and Gregory A. Wilson discuss what’s unique about graphic novels, giving up control, and the process of adaptation.

SIGNED Broken Eye Pre-Order

Signed Page

The Broken Eye HC


Shawn Speakman, proprietor of The Signed Page, will once again be offering signed copies of Brent’s latest book as soon after publication as possible. This time, you can order hardcover copy of The Broken Eye  — personalized by Brent, to the person of your choice — for $33.00. The books will be signed on August 30, 2014, and then shipped as soon as possible.

If you’d like to order one now, go HERE.


Fan Art: The Lightbringer Series

Fan artist Chris Z. has put together some great illustrations over on the fan forum page, and he’s agreed to let us share them here (click to see larger versions). If you’d like to see more fan art, go HERE.