Way of Shadows Posters Giveaway: NYCC


For those of you attending New York City Comic Con this weekend, Yen Press has a special giveaway of some of these amazing small posters of the upcoming The Way of Shadows graphic novel:

Graphic Novel character poster

To get one, go to Yen Press’s booth, #2218, and give the secret code: Retribution.

Hurry over before they run out!


Perfect Shadow in Hungarian


Perfect Shadow Hungary


A new cover — and a new translation — for Perfect Shadow!

We’re pleased to announce that Perfect Shadow has been translated into Hungarian and is due to be published October 30th. Check it out HERE.

Halloween Costume Contest 2013

 Halloween Contest 2013


How would you like to win a chance to read the first four chapters of The Broken Eye? Do I have the contest for you!

Here are the prizes:

1. First place: The first FOUR chapters of The Broken Eye — that’s two more new chapters than you can get anywhere else right now! — and signed copies of The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife in trade paperback.

2. Second place: Signed copies of The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife in trade paperback.

3. Third place: A signed copy of The Blinding Knife in trade paperback.

4. Fourth place: Two signed bookplates.



1. Entry due by Friday, November 1, 2013 at 5pm Pacific Standard Time.

2. Entry must include a picture of you in a costume inspired by the Night Angel Trilogy or the Lightbringer Series (go HERE to check out the Night Angel character sketches), along with a one-to-two sentence description.

3. International entries are allowed and encouraged!

4. As long as the costume is materially yours, some Photoshop is fine (no presenting characters from movies or video games by putting a gloss of Photoshop on it and saying it’s your costume).

5. Two entries allowed per person, but you can only win once.

6. The subject line of the email must read: 2013 Costume Contest.

7. Address the email to: CAPSLOCK @ brentweeks.com (no spaces; and just like last year, Brent will be selecting the winners).

8. The costume must be family-friendly (as usual, we’d like to display the best entries on the website and can’t do that if it’s not appropriate for younger fans)

Winners will be announced on Monday, November 4, 2013.

If you have any other questions, post them in the comments below!

New Fan Art!


Although we’re no longer running the fan art contest, we’ve had a great piece submitted by Jaik O. to the Brent Weeks forum. We wanted to share it with you here. 

Meet Ironfist:



You can view more of Jaik’s work HERE.

Gallery of Fan Contest Entries

Contest Photos


Since we’ve been hosting contests here for a while now, we thought it would be fun to have one  place where you can see all the entries.

Go HERE to see the great Photobomb Contest of 2011, the Halloween Costume Contest of 2012, and the Fan Art Contest of 2013!


Legend Award Interview


As you know, Brent is up for The David Gemmell Legend Award. The organizers have been running a series of interviews with the finalists, and they’ve just posted Brent’s interview. You can go HERE to see why Brent really wants to take home Snaga, how he feels about fantasy becoming a more international genre, and why he chose to write Lightbringer in the first place.

P.S. If you haven’t voted yet, go HERE to cast your ballot for The Blinding Knife!

Announcing the Fan Art Contest Winner!


Brent promised to pick one random entry for the fan art contest entry, and we have a winner!

Emily E. won for her double-submission of these images (though we only counted them as one when Brent randomly selected a winner):

Kylar SternElene, Kylar & Uly











The prize was originally for a signed copy of The Black Prism in trade paperback, but since it’s taken us a while to post all the entries, we’re also going to send the winner a signed copy of The Blinding Knife in trade paperback.

We’ll be running another contest soon, so keep an eye on the site.

Congratulations, Emily!

Orbit eBook Shorts Just 99 cents!

Orbit eBook Deal Logo


Orbit’s short fiction eBook program is offering 27 eBooks (including Perfect Shadow!) for just 99 cents through all major eBook retailers.

  • HERE to choose your preferred eBook and eBook format
  • HERE to “like” the Facebook page to stay up-to-date on these offers
  • HERE to sign up for an email so you know when their next eBook  deal is available

New Fan Art!

Katrianna A. has submitted some original fan art depicting Durzo Blint. She notes that she based his features off Iain Glen, and this is awesome result:
I love how this looks so much like an oil painting; and from the blond hair to the enigmatic expression, this is Durzo Blint. You can see more of the artist’s work HERE!