Aidan Moher of the influential fantasy blog, A Dribble ofInk,has often expressed his hatred of the over-abundance of Hooded Man covers in fantasy.
He interviews Lauren Panepinto, creative director of Orbit, and designer of my covers (which the eagle-eyed among you have noticed feature hooded men) about a design that became a trope that became a cliché. Check it out HERE.
I wanted to let you know that besides the Legend Award, The Blinding Knife has also been nominated for an award that I have absolutely nothing to do with! And that is the Ravenheart Award, which celebrates fantasy cover artists and their work. Congratulations to Silas Manhood, who illustrated The Blinding Knife’s cover. I noticed that the voting page for the Ravenheart Award doesn’t have the cover art listed on the voting page, so I thought I’d put those amazing covers up here. Click on any one to see it full size.
Go HERE to vote for your favorite. (Psst! Blinding Knife!)
This is a bad moment for Azoth. I love how Aaron B. captures the movement of the ka’kari in the background, and Durzo’s shadowy figure is suitably creepy for this scene.
First, thank you! Because of your votes, I am a finalist for the David Gemmell Legend Award for Best Novel. This means, no matter what, I will have a baby Snaga to add to my weapons belt. MOST helpful. You see, I have two baby Snagas (Babies Snaga? Baby Snagae?) right now, but there are situations in which one can draw and throw a baby Snaga as a free action. (1d4+STR) But if you throw one, and you only have two, you’re no longer dual-wielding. So having a third solves a terrible problem.
But it is ever the desire of an adventurer to get better loot. Thus, Snaga. (Greataxe 2d6+6 19-20 x3, Valiant, Mighty Cleaving, Keen, Legendary).
Between me and the object of my barbarian longings? A slew of talented rivals. And Joe Abercrombie. (Congrats to Helen Lowe, Mark Lawrence, and Jay Kristoff. Abercrombie is now writing children’s books, so I’ve heard he’s withdrawing. Don’t waste your vote.)
Voting only takes three clicks (HERE). Let your conscience be your guide.
For those of who’d like to see the character sketches for The Way of Shadows graphic novel in one place (or who missed seeing them in the first place), we now have a page under the “Extras” tab that lets you do exactly that. Go HERE to see the all the characters.
Just a reminder — Brent will be a co-Guest of Honor at Bubonicon 45 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The event runs from August 23-25. Go HERE for more details!
Now, a very special submission from artist Syku. He does freelance work in illustration and architecture visualization (you can see more of his work HERE). We’re very happy to have this piece from him depicting Jarl and Kylar meeting. I love the details he included from the book, such as Jarl’s elaborate microbraids and the posh interior you’d find at a place like Momma K’s:
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