David Gemmell Legend Award 2013

The David Gemmell Legend Awards are something akin to the People’s Choice Awards of Fantasy. It’s an award selected by YOU–in a pure, straight up vote. Like democracy itself, there are reasons not to like that, and reasons to like it a lot. I think it fills a previously empty niche in the awards pantheon, and gives fans a chance to have their voices heard directly. I have twice been eligible for the DGLA (all the Night Angel books came out in one year), have twice made the short list, and have twice been given the mini-Snaga of Not Quite. Don’t get me wrong: I love my mini-Snagas. LOVE. How much do I love my mini-Snagas?

Crime in Oregon

But, MAN, I would love to win the Big Boy Hisself:


Every time this award comes around, I regret anew that David Gemmell passed away before I could make his acquaintance. His novels are the slender tomes of his era, but they’re full of fast action and deep, conflicted, wounded characters–who are also badasses. I like to think that in The Blinding Knife I’ve written a novel worthy of David Gemmell’s legacy.

The voting goes in two rounds: the longlist, and then the finalists move on to the shortlist.

The Longlist Voting is open now and will close July 31st. Go check it out, vote for your favorite (me, me, me!), and add some great books to your To Be Read pile.

The Way of Shadows Graphic Novel Character Sketches


Over at the Brent Weeks Facebook page, we’re rolling out new sketches of Night Angel characters each week — and letting you guess who they are. (For a number of good reasons, Brent’s publisher has chosen to reveal these on Facebook first, but for those of you who don’t do Facebook, we’ll be posting all the sketches here at a one-week delay.)

Go HERE to check out the newest sketches! And “like” the page to stay up-to-date on this and other Brent Weeks news.

Here’s last week’s sketch of Doll Girl & Jarl:

Night Angel 1

New Interview at the Fan Forum


Brent has just given a new interview over at the Brent Weeks Fan Forum. Brent answers some questions about what could be next after Lightbringer and the next Night Angel series, which character he would be if he could play a part in a Night Angel movie, and why he is so cruel to his characters. Big thanks to fan Alderan, who put together the questions and posted them!

Check it out HERE.

Graphic Novel Update: First Character Sketches


Brent’s publisher has just released the first two character sketches from The Way of Shadows graphic novel! Go HERE to see them, and feel free to guess who they are in the comments. If you “like” the Brent Weeks Facebook Page, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date as they post more images and details about the book.


Fan Art (or Tattoos!) Round-up

Do you have some Lightbringer or Night Angel fan art  or tattoos you’d like to share? Have you been hoping to show off your drawings of Teia? The Color Prince? Or are you eager to show off your ka’kari tattoo/real ka’kari*?

If so, we’ll be doing a fan art and tattoo roundup on the website. We have  a few entries already and would love some more!

Send your original artwork to CAPSLOCK @ brentweeks.com (no spaces) by Monday, July 8th at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. We’ll be sharing the fan art over the next month (thanks to Peter V. Brett for the great idea).

In addition, one fan artist at random will receive a free signed copy of the new Black Prism trade paperback, due out July 23rd, and we’ll also be giving away whatever assorted goodies we can come up with.

*If you have a real ka’kari, I’m still in the market for silver, brown, blue, and green.

Join the Minion Union

Already a Brent Weeks fan? Become a minion!

Minion Union1 Minion Union2

We’re still a year or two away from having our own internet store, but thanks to Griffin Barber, you can go HERE to get a Minion t-shirt. I would say that wearing this t-shirt will give you special rights and privileges at book signings, but since my minions unionized, I’m not allowed to lie.

(Also, new poll!)

Lightbringer 3 Writing Update, Title, etc.

I know I promised you a writing update in September, and I hate to break my word, but here’s a quick update early. I have finished writing the first draft of Lightbringer 3 and we now have a title!

Lightbringer 3 will be called The Broken Eye.

The coming months will be full of editing for me. First, large-scale revisions on my own, then it goes to my editor and we begin the many rounds of work there. As I said before, barring any changes and subject to the almighty publishing schedule, publication will most likely be summer 2014.

Last, as some of you have noticed, I’ve not been posting my monthly writing advice column as I’ve been  spending all my time trying to finish Lightbringer 3. This will probably continue for a month or two, but after I’ve been doing edits for a few months, I’m sure I’ll have lots to say, so it will return sometime this summer. (Thanks for your patience on this. I’m just trying to prioritize what’s most important to most of you.)

When I’ve finished all the substantive edits and/or we have a firm release date for The Broken Eye, I will post another  update on that.



Bubonicon 2013


Who has two thumbs and is the co-Guest of Honor at Bubonicon 45?

THIS Guy! Brent with thumbs up

So, if you missed the Epic Tour of Awesomeness in 2012, and can’t wait until his next book tour, buy your Con tickets, book your hotel and prepare your books for epic-author-signage to Albuquerque, New Mexico on this August 23-25.

Bubonicon 45

He’ll be participating in a number of panels and giving a special Guest of Honor presentation along with Tim Powers (the other Guest of Honor), Diana Rowland will be Toastmistress, and Alan F. Beck is 2013’s Guest Artist. Other attendees include George R.R. Martin, Samwise Sykes, Mario Acevedo, Carol Berg, Adam Jarmon Brown, Craig A. Butler, Peri Charlifu, Steven Gould, Darynda Jones, Jane Lindskold, M.J. Locke, Victor Milan, Pati Nagle, Scott Phillips, Joan Saberhagen, Debbie Lynn Smith, Melinda Snodgrass, Gabi Stevens, S.M. Stirling, David Lee Summers, Ian Tregillis, Robert E. Vardeman, Carrie Vaughn, Walter Jon Williams, Connie Willis and Courtney Willis.

The Black Prism: Hungary

Hungarian Black PrismI’m very pleased to announce that The Black Prism has just been published in Hungary! If you’d like to order your copy now, go HERE. (A Hungarian translation of Perfect Shadow is also planned in the not-too-distant future.)