Actually, bothThe Black Prism and The Blinding Knife are scheduled to be released in trade paperback. The Black Prism trade paperback will be released on July 23, 2013 and The Blinding Knife trade paperback will be released on August 27, 2013.
Check out the new cover for The Black Prism!
(Character Photos by Shirley Green, Photo Illustrations by Silas Manhood, Cover Designs by Lauren Panepinto.)
The Blinding Knife (Die Blendende Klinge) is available today in Germany and German-language markets!
Go HERE for links to purchase from your preferred German retailer.
And if you read German, here’s the blurb, which…eh, may be spoilery:
Sein Leben ist eine Lüge, seine Macht geraubt.
Gavin Guile stirbt. Der hoch geehrte Lord Prisma glaubte, er hätte noch fünf Jahre zu leben – doch jetzt bleibt ihm nicht mal mehr eines. Viel zu wenig Zeit, um auch nur seine drängendsten Probleme zu lösen: Denn die alten Götter werden wiedergeboren und setzen sich an die Spitze einer unbesiegbaren Armee, die Tausende von verängstigten Flüchtlingen vor sich hertreibt. Gavins einzige Chance, dem tödlichen Chaos Einhalt zu gebieten, könnte ausgerechnet sein Bruder sein – dessen Leben er vor sechzehn Jahren raubte …
If you’re interested in GraphicAudio’s dramatic audio performance of The Black Prism or The Blinding Knife, note that GraphicAudio is giving away some swag! Those who purchase any 3 titles (by which we believe they mean any 3 tracks — we have an email in and will update asap) in the Lightbringer Series will receive a free T-Shirt and cast autographed poster of the GraphicAudio cover illustration of The Black Prism (go HERE to purchase and HERE for more details about the giveaway).
There is a limited quantity of items available for giveaway, so don’t delay!
Though he can’t share the images with you yet, Brent wanted to let you all know: he has just received rough draft sketches of the characters for The Way of Shadows graphic novel. They are awesome.
Over at the Fantasy subreddit, they’ve put together a fantastic list of authors who are eligible to be nominated for the 2013 Hugo Awards and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Yes, Brent is included! Curious about the Hugo Award and/or WorldCon? Check it out HERE.
Brent’s made yet another “Best of 2012” list! This one’s over at the Barnes & Noble SFF blog, Explorations, run by Paul Goat Allen. The Blinding Knife came in second place, and Allen noted, “…honestly I could’ve chosen any number of the titles listed below as my #1 pick and been okay with it. The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks was even better than The Black Prism (and that’s saying something!)….”
And speaking of reddit award winners, Fantasy Faction is the little blog that could. They’ve come out of nowhere in the last two years to become one of the biggest fantasy blogs on the ‘net. This year, they captured the reddit award for Best Fantasy Blog. When I heard that they had mentioned me in some context in a “Best of 2012” post, I clicked over with great trepidation. “Best of” posts are usually where you go to see your colleagues praised. For good people, I suppose this is really nice. Yeah. Ahem. And because Joe Abercrombie released a book this year, I knew there would be weeping and gnashing somewhere in Oregon before the end of the post.
However! When I came across my name, The Blinding Knife was under “Pleasant Surprise of 2012” and said pleasant surprise was that “The Blinding Knife was… awesome.” In a brief paragraph, Marc airs at once some fair criticism and fannish praise that marks the very best of the blogging community.
So I figured I’d gotten off lightly. “Oh, this is one of those blogs where they just have lots of little sub-Best-Of’s. Next will be Best Book Featuring an Orc. Followed by Best New Non-Gritty Fantasy of the Year. My dental bill will remain intact. No gnashing here.”
But I was wrong. There it was. The dreaded Top 5 list. I scrolled slowly, savoring the pain. And there he is, at Number 2. “Dancing” Joe Abercrombie. (Seriously, I’ve seen the man dance. And he does even that better than I do.)
BUT THEN. Stop the presses, cue the “Hallelujah Chorus”. Who’s that dancing on Dancing Joe’s head? Who is singled out as writing THE BEST fantasy novel of 2012? Who’s the big winner? ME. It’s ME! ME me mememe ememememememe! ——> That guy.
Of course Joe and Marc are English. I spent some time in England this year, and the English are polite, reserved, and don’t believe in excessive celebration.
Thank God I’m an American.
Go on, mouse over it. You know you want to.
Seriously, though, check out Fantasy Faction for all sorts of great discussions and check out that list to top off your To-Be-Read pile with some excellent additions.
Oh hey, I saw that I made another “Best Of List” over HERE. And Joe is, ahem, right above me. So, yeah, that excessive celebration? Never mind.
Reddit is a gigantic social news website that has many sub-sites (subreddits). The fantasy subreddit has more than 25,000 members. This past year, I had the pleasure of doing an interview with them, which they call “Ask Me Anything”. Needless to say, when I heard The Blinding Knife was up for Best Fantasy Novel of 2012, I was delighted but didn’t expect much.
If you’re interested in all things fantasy, I highly recommend checking it out. Even if you don’t like registering for things, you can freely lurk. In addition to having categories for Best Novel of the Year and Best Debut of the Year, /r/fantasy also voted on things like Best Blog, and Best AMA Comment. If you really want to dive immediately into fandom, this is a great place to find high-quality resources. Also, because the community is so huge, they have no trouble getting all the top fantasy authors to come by and talk with them. Those are still posted on the site and make for fascinating reading. (Look in the right-hand column of /r/fantasy for that list.)
I’d like to thank the reddit community and you guys, my awesome fans, for up-voting my book. And I’d like to thank elquesogrande for all the work he does to make that community so, so good.
File this under “Just for Fun”. An eagle-eyed Australian tweeted me telling me that my book had appeared briefly on a TV show over there. The show is The Almighty Johnsons and apparently follows the travails of a family who discover that they are getting the powers of the gods.
Here, apparently, is Rongo, god of food:
Fitting that the god of food has good taste, eh?
New marketing tagline: “The Night Angel Trilogy. Good enough for gods, good enough for you.”
I’ll be sending signed and personalized bookplates to the reader who tipped me off. If you see my book in any quirky or fun place, please let me know, and I will do the same for you!
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