Ugly Characters in Fantasy
Brent rounds out his month as Author of the Month at Drey’s Library with some thoughts on ugly characters in fantasy!
Check it out HERE.
Brent rounds out his month as Author of the Month at Drey’s Library with some thoughts on ugly characters in fantasy!
Check it out HERE.
Ok, it’s not an “all-time” favorite list, but it is his top five non-fiction reads of 2012. From the battlefields of 19th-century Afghanistan to the twisted mind of Picasso, Brent makes some eclectic choices. Check out his recommendations HERE.
In order to give everyone at least a chance at getting their bookplates in the mail before Christmas, I’m happy to announce that all bookplates have been personalized, signed, and mailed. Brent did all the international ones first, since mailing internationally takes the longest. All those went out by Wednesday, the 12th. Canadian and U.S. bookplates were all mailed by Thursday, the 13th, and digital bookplates went out on Friday the 14th. Brent wishes to note: his hand is tired.
For those of you who aren’t sure what a bookplate is or what to do with it once you receive it, I’ve made a short instructional video. (Enjoy my chrome-colored nails. If only I’d known Brent was having me make a video of them this morning!)
This December, Brent is the featured author over at Drey’s Library. That means he not only has a new interview over there, he’s also giving away 1 signed hardcover of The Blinding Knife and 5 signed paperbacks of The Black Prism! (International entries are welcome.)
In addition, Drey’s Library will feature a review of his books and two short posts by Brent later in the month: one about his favorite books and another on a topic of his choice. (We’ll let you know when those posts go live.)
So take a look at the Q&A and enter the giveaway HERE!
*UPDATE 5: If you made it into the giveaway, you should be getting an email from me, CAPSLOCK, within the next 15 minutes or so. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see one in the next 20 minutes and you think you made it in!*
*UPDATE 4: The giveaway is now closed! Thanks for your submissions*
*UPDATE 3: You’ll notice we crashed the site! We’ve been having people email me their mailing address and how they want the bookplate signed to CAPSLOCK at (No spaces). So now that we’re back, feel free to use the form below for the next few minutes — as bookplates are going fast!*
*UPDATE 2: You will notice the form is now gone. We will be doing the contest again at 9:00pm PST, 5:00am GMT, so check back then if you missed your chance for a bookplate!
*UPDATE: We are shipping internationally! So if you live outside the U.S., feel free to enter!*
The first 100 entries (see form below) will receive a bookplate! You can choose either digital or hardcopy.(Click HERE for instructions on what to do once you get a digital copy.) We will remove the contact form once we’ve received the first 100 entries.
Also, we ask that you please don’t enter more than once. We’d like as many people as possible to get at least one bookplate. Brent likes to do giveaways (especially of bookplates, since he can’t possibly meet every one of you to sign your books!), so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get another.
Indeed, the next chance for you to get a bookplate will be in 12 hours! So if you’re too late because you live on the other side of the world, check back at 9:00pm PST (5:00am GMT), when we’ll begin giving away another 100 bookplates.
Tomorrow morning and afternoon, Brent will be announcing two lightning-quick giveaways for the brand-new, custom-designed Lightbringer bookplates. See below for a preview.
Want a digital bookplate rather than a hardcopy? Click HERE for instructions on how to get one.
Check back here at 9am Pacific Standard Time (5:00PM GMT) tomorrow for more details!
Brent’s latest writing advice post is here! After taking a break for a couple months to catch up on his novel post-tour, he’s back with a detailed look at how to pitch your novel to an agent.
Check it out HERE.
(Oh, and new poll at right!)
*UPDATE 3: We now have enough entries and are closing the comments! Thanks so much for your help. You’ll be getting an email in the next day or so if you’re selected.*
*UPDATE 2: We now have enough Kindle and Nook entries. Does anyone have a Sony e-Reader PRST2 or PRST2HBC? Also still looking for Kobo entries.*
*UPDATE: I now have enough Kindle entries! I still need Sony e-Readers, Nooks, Kobos etc.*
Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out a way to digitally sign books for people who prefer e-reading. My trouble is that I don’t have every brand of e-reader, and I’m not sure that the directions I’ve found on the internet are accurate, for example, for all generations of Sony e-Reader. Would some of you who own various e-readers be willing to help me out? If so, please leave your e-reader name and generation in the comments section below. (I also need your email address, but I should already have that from you signing in to leave a comment.) Your commitment then will simply be to follow the instructions I send you for how to import that signature into your e-reader–and then tell me if it worked. (Which should take a total of about 5 minutes. Longer if you have to tell me it didn’t work, of course!)
What do you get out of helping me? The warm, fuzzy feeling of having helped me, natch! Oh, and a signed copy of your favorite author’s e-books. (That’s right, I’ve got Joe Abercrombie right here. In my cellar. It’s dark and cold down there. Don’t think I’ve fed him for the last fortnight or two. He’ll be eager to cooperate. Muhaha.)
(I really only need one or two of each kind of e-reader, so I’ll close the comments once I have enough.) Thanks!
Shadow’s Edge is now available in Taiwan! Check out the awesome cover below, and purchase your copy HERE.
Brent discusses his latest book tour experience, who he would cast in movie versions of his books, and what it was like to write The Blinding Knife. There’s also a short video at the end of the interview, featuring Brent discussing writing advice with Fantascize writer F.J. Bayog!
The interview is available HERE.