Final Round of the Goodreads Choice Awards!
The Blinding Knife has made it to the final round, so be sure to go vote HERE! Voting ends November 27th.
The Blinding Knife has made it to the final round, so be sure to go vote HERE! Voting ends November 27th.
I’m excited to announce that the Spanish-language Perfect Shadow is being published as an e-book on November 22nd!
To read an excerpt and find details on how to download it, go to my Spanish-language website HERE. And to enter to win 1 of 10 free downloads of Perfect Shadow, “like” the Perfect Shadow Facebook page HERE.
Here’s a look at the cover:
Goodreads has now opened voting for the semi-final round of the Choice Awards! Five write-in candidates from the previous round have been added to each category, so make sure you take the time to vote for The Blinding Knife so that Brent makes it to the final round!
To vote, go HERE.
A big thank-you to everyone who submitted their costumes and to everyone who voted! There were some outstanding entries. Below are the winners.
First Place:
Liv Danavis: In a moment, yellow luxin filled her cupped hands. It sloshed like water.
The winner will receive a personalized, signed hardcover first-edition of The Blinding Knife, and five personalized bookplates.
Second Place:
Karris White Oak, with “hair as black as as her mood”.
The second-place winner will receive a signed copy of mass market paperback The Black Prism and five personalized bookplates.
Third Place:
A white robe blue color wight in Lord Omnichrome’s army.
The third-place winner will receive five personalized bookplates.
UPDATE: Thanks for a great event! It was a real joy to see you guys, and I hope we get a chance to see non-pixelated versions of each other soon! And thank you to Shindig for putting this together, despite the early hour and a hurricane!
– Brent
Don’t forget that Brent is coming to a computer screen near you TONIGHT! You can re-read the original post HERE for more details, but here’s the nitty-gritty:
Wednesday, November 7th: The Australia (Virtual) Book Tour Stop (hosted Shindig Events), 7pm Sydney, Australia time, 12am Pacific Standard Time.
Brent will be presenting a reading and then answering questions from participants. The event will last 1 hour.
What time is that for you? Check HERE. (Also has a button to add it to your Microsoft Exchange-Compatible Calendar.) Or add the event to your Google Calendar by clicking below:
P.S. Because Shindig and their servers are located in New York City, we may have extra technical difficulties because of the hurricane problems there. They tell me if your page freezes at any time to just “refresh” and things should be fine. If we run into more significant difficulties, Brent will reschedule for the future.
Tameri Etherton has just published an interview with Brent. You can find out what he’s reading now, where Brent falls in the Geek hierarchy, and which of his characters makes his skin crawl HERE.
You can now watch the epic author D&D game from Epic ConFusion earlier this year! Authors who participated (in clockwise order) include Jim C. Hines, Joe Abercrombie, Peter V. Brett, Saladin Ahmed, Elizabeth Bear, and Myke Cole (in the mirror). Scott Lynch, Jay Lake and Pat Rothfuss and I were all wearing invisibility cloaks at the time of the first Youtube shot.
I’d also like to note that this was my very first D&D game. In the past, my friends were all so cool that they lost interest by the time we’d rolled characters.
(Erin McConnell and Peter V. Brett’s assistant Meg did an outstanding job preparing the video for public consumption and for editing three hours down to 30 minutes!)
Check it out:
Two years ago I finagled my way into the nomination process for the Goodreads Choice award with The Black Prism. It looks like I’ve managed to do so again.
If you want to keep me looking this cheesy…
I recommend you vote for The Blinding Knife NOW.
Brent will be participating in the sixth annual SciFi Authorfest this November 4th, from 4:30pm-6:00pm at Powell’s Books Cedar Hills Crossing in Beaverton, Oregon. Other participating authors include Peter Orullian, M.K. Hobson and Todd McCaffrey.
Get your books signed by Brent and chat with him and other awesome SciFi authors!
More details HERE.
(Also, new poll!)