A (Virtual) Book Tour Stop in Australia

I couldn’t make it Australia for my book tour this time around, but some photons and electrons got together with a great idea to represent–REPRESENT!–me in Australia. Here’s the deal:

Shindig Events hosts live video chats for authors, and we have one scheduled on Wednesday, November 7th at 7pm Sydney, Australia time. (That’s midnight between the 6th and 7th, for me on the Pacific Coast of the U.S.!) All you have to do if you want to see my reading (mostly as seen on my tour, minus the interpretative dance–yes, interpretative dance, can’t do it while in my chair) is tune in at the right time.  You only need a webcam, the latest version of Adobe Flash, and a good internet connection (no download or install required).

Of course, since this is an event on the internet, it isn’t limited to people from Australia. All are welcome. However, because of how time zones work, it will be hideously inconvenient for everyone else. That’s not a bug, that’s a feature. (Having a spherical planet is a good thing.)

After my reading, I will take questions, just like in a real live signing. Shindig is pretty cool in that–just like in a real signing–everyone else can see who’s asking the question, too. (You turn on your webcam, I call on you, everyone sees and hears what you ask. (So actually, a little better than real life, where the guy in the front asks the question and no one else has a clue why the author goes off on mitochondria for a few minutes.)

Because I’ll be reading from an upcoming work, there will be no video for those who miss it–and though I know there’s software out there that would allow others to tape the whole thing, I ask that you don’t. Being untaped gives me freedom to share more and still edit it in the future and change my mind on things, so if this experiment goes badly, in the future I will simply have to share less, both in Q-and-A’s and in internet readings.

Also, given that this is new tech, I can’t promise no glitches. Think of this as experimental. Shindig looks like it has an awesome thing going, but from experience Skyping to Australia, I know to expect small delays as the busy little electrons burrow their way through copper.

Book Reading: 30-ish minutes

Question and Answer: 30-ish minutes

Time: 7PM Sydney/12AM Pacific Standard/3AM New York/8AM London

To participate or to learn more, go HERE.

Epic: Now on Sale!


A few weeks ago, we told you about the Epic anthology and the foreword Brent wrote for it. Now, Epic: Legends of Fantasy is on sale! Pick up a copy at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Contributors include Robin Hobb, Ursula K. Le Guin, Tad Williams, Aliette de Bodard, Paolo Bacigalupi, Orson Scott Card, Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Michael Moorcock, Melanie Rawn, Kate Elliott,  N.K. Jemisin, Carrie Vaughn, Trudi Canavan, Juliet Marillier, and George R.R. Martin.

And if you just want to read Brent’s foreword, you can check that out HERE.

Repost/Reminder: Halloween Costume Contest!

As inspiration for those of you considering entering our Lightbringer Halloween contest, we would like to show you the previous winner of our Night Angel Costume Contest. Behold the glory:



I think we can all agree: best Kylar Stern costume ever.

Can’t wait to see what you guys dream up! For details/rules/prizes, see the original post HERE.

Also, new poll! —>

Also, later this week, I hope to have a *small* present for my Australian readers. SMALL, people. Low expectations.

New York Comic Con

Though I can’t make it out to New York City (or, sadly, New York Comic Con) this book tour, I’ve got the next-best thing: free signed Lightbringer bookmarks!

If you’re going to New York Comic Con (October 11-14), stop by the Hachette table (Table #1027) and find an Orbit team member. Present the code word below to get a a bookmark that features both The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife and my signature.

Orbit will begin handing the bookmarks out on Friday, and though there will be a limited quantity given out each day, you can try again the next day for one. ( They may also have some secret swag available.) I’ve only signed 100 of these for Orbit, so make sure you head over there as soon as you can!

Code word: Shimmercloak

Epic Foreword


A few months ago, John Joseph Adams (bestselling editor of multiple SFF anthologies) asked Brent to write the foreword to Epic. This epic fantasy anthology includes 17 stories from authors as diverse as George R. R. Martin, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Patrick Rothfuss. With a roster like that, Brent couldn’t say no.

You can read Brent’s foreword HERE and check out the rest of the anthology HERE. And you can check out more free excerpts HERE.

Halloween Costume Contest!


Since Brent is on his way back from tour, he’s asked me to post the details of the Halloween Costume Contest. That way you all have time to get your costumes together and maybe even use them before the contest!

The pictures you email (due by Friday, November 2nd at 5pm Pacific Standard Time!) will be posted to the website for a vote by the fans, beginning Monday, November 5th and ending Monday, November 12th.

First Place: A signed hardcover first-edition of The Blinding Knife personalized to you, and five personalized bookplates to you or friends of your choice.

Second Place: A signed copy of mass market paperback The Black Prism and five personalized bookplates to your or friends of your choice.

Third Place: Five personalized bookplates to you or friends of your choice.

1. Entry due by Friday, November 2, 2012 at 5pm Pacific Standard Time.

2.Entry must include a picture of you in costume, along with a one-to-two sentence description.

3.The costume must be of a character in The Lightbringer Trilogy.

4. The subject line of the email (and this is IMPORTANT) must read: Lightbringer Costume Contest.

5. Address the email to: CAPSLOCK@brentweeks.com. (Don’t worry, Brent will be checking out all the costumes, but I’ll be putting together all the photos for the contest!)

6. The costume must be family-friendly. (Hey, we’d like to display the best entries on the website, and we can’t do that if it’s not appropriate for some of the younger fans!)

Winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 13, 2012.

If we haven’t addressed all your questions, please ask them in the comments section below–we’ll answer as soon as intercontinental flights and time zone changes allow!

The Blinding Knife Review Round-up

Staffer’s Book Reviews  raves: “I’ve read all five of Brent Weeks’ published novels and it’s a certainty that he’s evolving with every book. With The Blinding Knife, I believe he’s entered a new stratosphere and one that puts him on par with anyone who’s written these kinds of stories. It isn’t only the best book he’s written; I consider it one of the best epic fantasies I’ve read. Do me a favor and read it too.”

N. Schmiedicker says, “Even now, a week after I first finished the book I can say that Blinding Knife has jumped to my Top 3 all-time favorite books. It was the type of book that left me catching bits and pieces that I admired and wanted to work on in my own novel. It was a book that taught me how to write by virtue of it’s own magnificent writing and I highly recommend this series for any fans of epic fantasy.”

A Dribble of Ink comments, “It’s fast, it doesn’t hold back its punches, but there’s also a sense of hope, and the humour is bright. The Blinding Knife improves on The Black Prism in every conceivable way, and places Brent Weeks on comfortable footing beside contemporaries like Brandon Sanderson and Joe Abercrombie, if not a step above. I thought it would be a fun distraction, but instead found one of the best Fantasy books of 2012.”

British Fantasy Society notes that “Weeks has truly cemented his place among the great epic fantasy writers of our time… The mark of a good fantasy is that it can surprise you, catch you off guard, really make you feel what the characters are feeling, and this one does with a good, solid kick to the gut. Several times. And each time it feels good. The twists, shocks and heart wrenching blows keep coming and by the end you will be begging for more. The next in the series simply cannot come soon enough.

Comic Book Therapy says, “Author Brent Weeks has delivered yet again another novel that was almost impossible put down until the finish… The Blinding Knife is everything and more of what the Black Prism was, and leaves you wanting so much more at the very end.”

Fantasy Book Critic believes that, “As before, the major shortcoming of the novel is that it ended as I would have loved 600 pages more again… The Blinding Knife is just great stuff, an exuberant epic fantasy that I could read thousands of pages of and still want more and a top 10 novel of mine for the year.

52 Book Reviews says that “The Blinding Knife is the best book I’ve read this year… The Blinding Knife is a masterwork of a novel (I know at least eighty percent of you get the reference) full of exquisitely drawn and believable characters, a surprisingly intricate magical system, break-neck pacing and more “no he didn’t” moments than Rush Limbaugh’s entire career… I think that in a few years readers will look back at The Blinding Knife as the point where Brent Weeks went from being an up-and-comer to an author whose name belongs next to stalwarts of the genre like Martin, Jordan, and Brooks. Run, don’t walk and get this book. You won’t regret it.”

Speculating on SpecFic argues that “The Blinding Knife is an example of epic fantasy at its very best…  Everything is brilliantly paced, wild battles are beautifully choreographed and interweaved between heart-warming moments of honesty and trust between key characters.”



Repost: The U.K. Book Tour


Waterstones, Birmingham New Street  – 7pm Tuesday, 25th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? Yes – tickets £3 redeemable on the price of the book in-store.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Waterstones, Bristol Galleries – 1pm Wednesday, 26th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? No – free event, un-ticketed.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Forbidden Planet, London – 6pm Wednesday, 26th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? No – free event, un-ticketed
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Waterstones, Milton Keynes – 12 noon Thursday 27th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? No – free event, un-ticketed
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Waterstones, Nottingham Bridlesmith – 7pm Thursday, 27th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? Yes – tickets £5 / £3 with loyalty card.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone

Waterstones, Leeds – 12.30pm Friday 28th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? No – free event, un-ticketed.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Waterstones, Manchester Deansgate – 6pm Friday, 28th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? Yes – tickets £3.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? It is strongly preferred that copies of The Blinding Knife carry a Waterstones receipt (any Waterstones is fine and this rule is just for the new book).  If you pre-order The Blinding Knife at Waterstones before 13th September you get it for half price – just £7.50!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes but see above.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

FantasyCon, Brighton – all day Saturday, 29th September

Ticket required to participate in signing? Yes – you must be registered as a guest at FantasyCon.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Waterstones, Edinburgh West End – 6pm Tuesday, 2nd October

Ticket required to participate in signing? No – free event, un-ticketed.
Must purchase a book at host bookstore to get book signed? No, but it is encouraged to buy at the event as a thank you to the store and to make it possible for them to invite more authors in the future!
Fans can bring books from other stores to be signed? Yes.
Limit to books Brent can sign? No, but if you have loads of books we may ask you to wait until the end of the queue, or to just have a few signed at a time before queuing again – just to make sure he will have time to sign something for everyone.

Full details and ticket info is available for the Waterstones’ events are HERE. Details for the Forbidden Planet event in London is HERE. Brighton / FantasyCon information is HERE.