New Book, Website, & Facebook Page for Spanish-Speaking Fans

EDIT II: is now up and running! 

EDIT: Looks like we jumped the gun a bit. Mondadori is still finalizing some of the content and the final home. It should all be up today or Monday! The actual URL will be 

Or should I say:  Nuevo libro, página web, y página de Facebook en español? (Once again, I appreciate Google Translate!)


That’s right, for those of you who have been following my work in Spanish, El Prisma Negro has just been released. You can check it out HERE.

My publisher in Spain has also just opened a new Spanish-language website for me as well! Check out and let me know what you think in the comments. I’m also hoping to add some exclusive content over there, so be sure to check for updates.

And if you’re on Facebook, “like” my new Spanish Brent Weeks page HERE so you can all the latest updates.

A big thanks to Random House Mondadori, who put this together.



New: Writing Advice, Interview, Poll

All sorts of goodies for you today.

First up, new writing advice for the month of June HERE. I’m doing things a little bit differently this month by answering a slew of questions in shorter form. Among the topics: overcoming self-doubt, agents and online publishing, and brainstorming.

Second, I’ve just completed an interview with the excellent Shawn Speakman of It’s all about book covers: The Blinding Knife cover, how it came together, and some of my favorite book covers out there today. Go HERE for the interview.

Last but not least, I’ve got a new poll at right. (Not that I’m taking orders here, but I’m curious to see what you’re most curious to see.)

The Blinding Knife cover reveal

Ooooh! Isn’t it pretty? Here is the final cover of The Blinding Knife:























I think that the colors are stunning–and with this series, that’s the most important thing. Lots of great drama here, too. Nice light and darkness to make the colors stand out even more–in my opinion, just a wonderfully striking cover. I did vote for a non-hooded man, but… well, win a lot, lose some. 😉 What do you think?

The Blinding Knife is book 2 of the Lightbringer Series, which began with The Black Prism. The Blinding Knife will be released in early September.

Oh, new poll on the right, too.

UPDATE: Doh! Forgot to give the artists credit! Big, big thanks to Lauren Panepinto, Shirley Green (photo), and Silas Manhood (photo illustration). UPDATE 2: links to artists’ pages.

Night Angel Omnibus Glossary

Well, it took some doing, but I’m happy to be able to bring you the brand-new Night Angel Omnibus Glossary. I usually find glossaries to be boring, so I gave this one a bit of a voice and a story that you can see played out through the head notes, the marginalia, the end notes, and also in the comments on the Character List. I hope you have fun reading it. I certainly had fun writing it.

Also, if you’re looking at this as you read The Night Angel Trilogy for the first time, the terms and characters are spoiler-free as of the first time you read them in the text. If, on the other hand, you read straight through the entire glossary, you will probably have some things spoiled for you. When a writer’s stories have as many twists and turns as mine do, it’s hard to write a glossary like this at all! A big thank you to Orbit for giving me permission to post these, and in particular to Alex L. who helped us figure out a way to make these viewable with the margin notes intact.

The Glossary is HERE, and will also live under the Extras tab.

Speculate! Brent’s Guest Podcast Interview


Brent was invited to a Speculate! podcast for an interview, which has just gone live HERE.

Bradley P. Beaulieu
Gregory A. Wilson









SFF authors Bradley P. Beaulieu and Gregory A. Wilson host the discussion. (You can check out their work HERE and HERE.) The three authors discuss the drawbacks of fame, the writing life, and learning from other writers.

New Interview & Poll


Michael Araujo of The Subtle Chronicler is throwing a Birthday Bash for his blog (which turned two years old on May 13). As part of the festivities, Brent has done an interview with Michael, and there’s a free copy of The Way of Shadows up for grabs. Go HERE to check out the interview, and HERE for the book giveaway.

Also, there’s a new poll at right!

Reddit Fantasy_Bookclub


Brent had such a good time answering questions for the Reddit community a couple months ago (link HERE), that when the Reddit Fantasy_Bookclub asked him to come by and do it again, he was more than happy to say yes.  He’ll be answering questions live on May 15 at 7pm Central Standard Time over HERE. Come check it out and also see all of the great books the bookclub is reading and discussing.  Check it out, maybe it’s a good fit for you. Like last time, you will need a login in order to participate.  Hope you can make it!

And there’s a new poll at right.

Launch Day!

Although The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus has been on shelves for a week or two, today is our official launch date. For all sorts of details and even one of the extras for free, look at the posts below. Also, there’s a new poll up to the right!

New Interview: This Week in Games


Brent sat down with hosts Jason Pullara and Michael Schiciano of This Week in Games to discuss the world of video games from a writer’s perspective.  They talked about the challenges of writing video games, antiheroes, the ending of Mass Effect III, and more.

Go HERE to listen to the recording of the session.