Brent Talks about the Omnibus
Brent discusses all the reasons to buy The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus:
Go HERE to pre-order your copy now!
Brent discusses all the reasons to buy The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus:
Go HERE to pre-order your copy now!
The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus will be officially released on Tuesday (though some of you may find it at your bookseller early). In order to give you more reasons to think about clearing some space on your shelf for this, than simply fantastic new cover art and a reworked map, I wanted to give you extra. Specifically, Extras: things that I either didn’t have time to include when I was editing three books at once in the run-up to the rapid publication of the trilogy a few years ago, or things that I had cut, but with the benefit of hindsight have reconsidered.
There’s a rumor that when production heard that I wanted to add 62 pages of extras to a book that was already more than 1,200 pages long that the echoes of the wailing resounded through the 14 floors of the Hachette building for two weeks. Reports that an intern burned through two pairs of Manolo Blahniks in her marathons back and forth to Starbucks are, however, completely unsubstantiated. For one thing, I hear the interns at Hachette wear Christian Louboutin.
However, I prevailed. Not only did I get permission to add that new content, I also got permission to share two parts of it with you for free! You know, just in case you’re a poor, poor student or something, but a big, big fan, I want to do all I can to help you out. You will buy lots of my books when you make your millions, right? Right? Bueller? Anyway, today, I’m happy to share the NAT Character List HERE. It will also live under the “Extras” tab, and you can also find the link on the “Night Angel- The Complete Trilogy” page.
Because things like Character Lists and Glossaries tend to be really boring — most of the reason that I didn’t include them in The Night Angel Trilogy originally was because I never read them myself — I thought I would do something to spice this up. There’s a little meta-fiction happening here that is best understood if you read both the Glossary and the Character List together, but… well, I’ve got to leave some tricks up my sleeve.
Hope you enjoy it!
In honor of the impending release of The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus edition, we’ve got several fun things planned for this week. First, today, we’re giving away 5 copies of the Omnibus through Goodreads. You can enter HERE.
And 5 will be given away via social media. To enter on Twitter, tweet: “The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus by @brentweeks is out now. RT for a chance to get it free.”
If you prefer Facebook, and don’t mind seeing non-book-related posts half the time, you can subscribe to to me on Facebook HERE. Current FB friends, I’ll give you a chance to enter by “liking” a post that I’ll put up.
And if you prefer your media Google-flavored, add me to a Circle HERE, and I’ll enter you automatically. (The Google+ content is usually identical to the Facebook content.)
(New poll at right!)
Brent has just put together a new update for his Writing Advice column (a bit delayed due to copyedits for The Blinding Knife and a short vacation).
April’s update is all about the gap between what a writer wants to do and what she can do, and how to close that gap. Check it out HERE.
Well, I don’t know how we did it, and at least five other authors don’t know how we did it either, but Kylar has made it to the finals in the Suvudu Cage Match. Suvudu is Random House’s official SFF blog, so you don’t get to the finals by flying under the radar. 64 fantasy characters entered this year, and Kylar has faced characters from more beloved series than he has any right to (Gimli from J.R.R. Tolkien, Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling, Julia from Lev Grossman, Erevis Cale from Paul S. Kemp, Granny Weatherwax from Terry Pratchett).
And now, in the finals, he’s facing Moiraine from my personal favorite, Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
So if you’re going to go down, it’s good to go down to someone you love! But if you’re going to go down, I think Durzo would say, “It’s best to go down swinging.”
Click HERE to read Suvudu blogger Abyss’s take on how the fight will go. And don’t forget to vote!
My thanks also to David Pomerico and to Suvudu for giving Kylar the chance to be seen by other fantasy fans. A lot of hard work goes into putting these together, and in doing the write-ups, and I really appreciate it!
(You may also have noticed that there isn’t a new writing advice post this month. Between copyedits for my next book and a short vacation, I haven’t had time to write that yet. But it’s coming soon!
A new poll is also at right.)
Because of your support, Kylar Stern has made it to Round 5 of Suvudu’s Cage Match, defeating Erevis Cale in battle last week (go HERE for details). Now he’s facing Terry Pratchett’s amazing Granny Weatherwax. It’s up to you if you want Kylar to advance to the next face-off!
Go HERE to vote.
Plus, a new poll is posted at right!
Sadly, I wasn’t able to write this week’s Cage Match because I have one week to turn in my copyedits for The Blinding Knife. However, Suvudu wrote up the fight between Kylar Stern and Lev Grossman’s Julia. Check it out HERE and vote for who you think would win!
(Also, a new poll is up!)
For this week only, The Way of Shadows is available for only $4.99 on all e-book platforms!
Click on your preferred vendor’s link to get the e-book: Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Sony, Google Play.
And for those of you who haven’t voted yet, Kylar Stern’s Cage Match face-off with Harry Potter ends Thursday, 3/15/12 at 5PM EST. Go HERE to show your support for your favorite!
*UPDATE: The e-book promotion ends March 19.*
The Cage Match is now live (fight scene written by yours truly), and posted HERE.
Go vote now for Kylar — er, vote for your favorite character! CAPSLOCK says, “I can’t believe what you did to Harry Potter!” 😉
Scandalous new poll is also up. Check it out. (It’ll be the Men of Midcyru’s turn next week.)