I’ll be attending WorldCon in Reno beginning in just a few days. As you can imagine, it’s jam-packed with sci-fi and fantasy goodness. For a full schedule, check out this page. For a handy-dandy pamphlet to consult as you decide between a Brent Weeks autograph session or a Kaffeeklatch with Harry Turtledove (wait, you’re skipping my autographing session?!) check out this link. And if you’re interested in finding out where an individual author will be when, go here.
But if you want to go where the fun is…
New Pro Orientation – Understanding Publishing: Friday, September 19, 10am-11am
This panel has been arranged solely to help Brent understand publishing. Oh… no, nope, apparently, the man on the other end of this headset says I am supposed to be helping John Berlyne, Lucienne Diver, Sandra Tayler, and Ann C. Crispin tell you what to expect when dealing with publishers and why contracts are your friends. Everyone else on the panel has far more experience than I, but I will do my best to look natty.
Where: D04 (RSCC)
Postmodern Fantasy Panel: Friday, September 19, 2011 5pm-6pm
There’s been considerable discussion of Fantasy, Fantastika, and Post-Modernism. What is this about, and why is it interesting for those who read, review, or critique present day fantasy? Brent will be discussing with other panelists N. K. Jemisin, William Lexner, Nick Mamatas, Peadar Ó Guilín and Brandon Sanderson.
Where: D03 (RSCC)
Autographing: Saturday, August 20, 2pm – 3pm
Other authors signing books at the same time, in the same area include: Philippa Ballantine, Laurel Anne Hill, Dani Kollin, Eytan Kollin, Tee Morris, Susan Palwick, and Carrie Vaughn.
Where: Hall 2 – Autographs (RSCC)
KaffeeKlatsch: Saturday, August 20, 4pm – 5pm
Chat informally with Brent Weeks in a small group! There are only 10 spots available, so make sure to sign up at the program desk. Although a few other authors are listed in the program alongside Brent, the authors have separate discussion groups. Brent will happily share his wide knowledge of… wait. Well, Brent will happily chat with you anyway!
Where: KK1 (RSCC)
And what happens when you gather thousands of introverted writers, trying to be extroverts? Yep, the real action will be at The Bar.