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Fan Art Tuesday: Andross the Red

Today’s Nine Kings Fan Art Contest entry comes to us from Shea, who created a lovely rendition of Andross the Red.

As described in THE BLINDING KNIFE: “It was a young Andross Guile, handsome, strong, a warrior, a white dagger in his hand, tattered cloak billowing around him, three young boys behind him, one to his right, the other to his left, one barely visible in the distance. Orholam, he looks like a hero.”

If you enjoy Shea’s work as much as we do, and want to see more, she’s on Twitter @fairy_Fort and has a webcomic, Magefront.

And remember, the deadline for the contest is NOVEMBER 30!

Social Media Apocalypse

Folks, this may be the beginning of the end. I have now joined Instagram.

Turns out my real name — and my usual internet aliases (characters from my books) — are taken, so on Instagram, I am: AndrossGuile. Naturally.

I plan to update you daily with a little snapshot while I’m on tour. Otherwise, I probably won’t be using Instagram very often. I make no claims to photographic talent or skill. Filters will probably feature heavily. 😉

If you attend one of my signings and take pictures, tag them with #BrokenEyeTour. We plan to do a big round-up of our favorites from The Broken Eye tour and can use all the help we can get! So go crazy: pics of you with the book, with me, with your friends and the book, in front of the bookstore, etc. etc. We’ll even give a free Lightbringer t-shirt to one of you. (Apparently, legally, I can’t just give it to the best. It has to be random. I hate being legal.)



Also. New poll. Check it out. —->