Well, I don’t know how we did it, and at least five other authors don’t know how we did it either, but Kylar has made it to the finals in the Suvudu Cage Match. Suvudu is Random House’s official SFF blog, so you don’t get to the finals by flying under the radar. 64 fantasy characters entered this year, and Kylar has faced characters from more beloved series than he has any right to (Gimli from J.R.R. Tolkien, Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling, Julia from Lev Grossman, Erevis Cale from Paul S. Kemp, Granny Weatherwax from Terry Pratchett).
And now, in the finals, he’s facing Moiraine from my personal favorite, Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
So if you’re going to go down, it’s good to go down to someone you love! But if you’re going to go down, I think Durzo would say, “It’s best to go down swinging.”
Click HERE to read Suvudu blogger Abyss’s take on how the fight will go. And don’t forget to vote!
My thanks also to David Pomerico and to Suvudu for giving Kylar the chance to be seen by other fantasy fans. A lot of hard work goes into putting these together, and in doing the write-ups, and I really appreciate it!
(You may also have noticed that there isn’t a new writing advice post this month. Between copyedits for my next book and a short vacation, I haven’t had time to write that yet. But it’s coming soon!
A new poll is also at right.)