David Gemmell Legend Award Results
So… I lost. In a hard-fought, publicly-voted contest which logged 11,000 votes, I lost. No battle axe, no body cavity search with Homeland Security, no barbaric yawps from the rooftops of the world–or even London. Congratulations to Andrzej Sapkowski and his Blood of Elves for making a grown man cry. (The grown man in question being Joe Abercrombie. I, for the record, am more like an over-grown child, and I barely sniffled.) For more details about my crushing defeat, read the Guardian article or check out the Legend Award site which has pictures and eventually will have an audio recording of the ceremony. Orbit has more info, and here’s one attendee’s take on the awards night.
I am getting a small pewter battle axe, which I will use if ever attacked by a pack of feral toy poodles and miniature schnauzers. (Do you have that dream, too?)
Many thanks to the David Gemmell Legend Award Committee and to all the folks who worked so hard to put this award together and make it such a topnotch event, and thank you to all the fans who voted. Especially if you voted for me!