Posts Tagged‘Cover’
The Broken Eye: Cover Reveal
Le Couteau Aveuglant
We’re very pleased to announce that The Blinding Knife (or rather, Le Couteau Aveuglant) will be published in French on March 29, 2013. You can pre-order HERE.
UPDATE: The digital version of Le Couteau Aveuglant will be released on April 5, 2013, just after the print release.
And here’s the cover!
And the blurb in French: Gavin Guile se meurt. Il croyait encore avoir cinq ans de répit avant de succomber au sort de tous les Prismes. En vérité, il lui reste à peine une année… À travers le monde, la magie des couleurs devient incontrôlable et menace de destruction les sept satrapies. Les anciens dieux reviennent à la vie, levant une implacable armée de spirites. L’unique salut pourrait se trouver du côté du frère renégat de Gavin. Celui dont il a volé la liberté il y a seize ans…
The Blinding Knife In Trade Paperback
Actually, both The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife are scheduled to be released in trade paperback. The Black Prism trade paperback will be released on July 23, 2013 and The Blinding Knife trade paperback will be released on August 27, 2013.
Check out the new cover for The Black Prism!
(Character Photos by Shirley Green, Photo Illustrations by Silas Manhood, Cover Designs by Lauren Panepinto.)
Also, new poll!
The Blinding Knife cover reveal
Ooooh! Isn’t it pretty? Here is the final cover of The Blinding Knife:
I think that the colors are stunning–and with this series, that’s the most important thing. Lots of great drama here, too. Nice light and darkness to make the colors stand out even more–in my opinion, just a wonderfully striking cover. I did vote for a non-hooded man, but… well, win a lot, lose some. 😉 What do you think?
The Blinding Knife is book 2 of the Lightbringer Series, which began with The Black Prism. The Blinding Knife will be released in early September.
Oh, new poll on the right, too.
UPDATE: Doh! Forgot to give the artists credit! Big, big thanks to Lauren Panepinto, Shirley Green (photo), and Silas Manhood (photo illustration). UPDATE 2: links to artists’ pages.