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Twitter Give-Away

Upon recently reaching 5,000 followers on Twitter, someone had a great idea: I should give away something free! I think other people have had this idea for a long time. We call those BitTorrent geeks.

This time, however, they actually asked my permission! See what happens when you say please? (Note: please do not say “please” in the aftermath of this webpost. It only works once.)

Originally, I was going to select a winner in some way that is creative and fun. I was informed, however, that lawyers do not like creative and fun, and that I might run afoul of lottery laws if I did anything that burbled with personality.  So on Friday night I will be randomly selecting, with the help of some internet randomizer, 5 lucky winners! No purchase necessary!!

Oooh, prizes!

If you were not in the first 5,000, but you do follow me before Friday, it is quite likely that the randomizer will be simply too stupid to screen you out. (This is why I was a terrible disciplinarian when I was a teacher. The hard luck cases get me every time: “Ah, but Mr. Weeks! My syphilitic cat threw up on my homework!” “Um, yuck. Ok, turn it in tomorrow.”)

I will contact the Lucky Five on Monday. And remember, lottery games should not be played for investment purposes. Unless, you know


Bookplates Bonanza!–UPDATED–ALL GONE

For those of you who have not been able to come to any of my signings — and you had an incredibly good reason, right? — I want to give a limited, first-come-first-serve opportunity to get the next best thing to a signed book. If you don’t know what a bookplate is, mine look something like this:

I will be happy to sign and personalize bookplates for the first 200 people who email me with their snail mail address. Please put “bookplate” in the subject line. In the  body of your message, please include which book you intend to place the bookplate in, and to whom you want the bookplate dedicated. I will cover the postage for those first 200 (even internationally) and only ask that if you haven’t done so already, that you sign up for the Brent Weeks newsletter here. (I will not automatically put you into the newsletter list, and the newsletter only goes out 2-4 times a year. It’s an e-newsletter, btw. Those are just emailed out.)

 *UPDATE* All the bookplates are gone. Thank you so much for your fervor. I had wondered if I’d be pathetically flogging my free bookplates on street corners a month from now. My hand also thanks you… not so much. Give me a couple weeks to get these all done and in the mail.

How to Read Perfect Shadow… without an e-Reader

Ok, I have to admit the title of this post is misleading. The truth is you do need an e-reader — just not a physical one. If you own a PC, a Mac, an iPad, an iPhone, a BlackBerry, or an Android phone… you can get an e-reader app for free. And once you’ve got that done, you can download Perfect Shadow instantly — and for cheap. Perfect Shadow will be available in all these formats, and internationally, in June. I hope the following tutorials make life a little easier for those of you who are ready to cautiously dip your toes into the new world of e-publishing.

* To download Nook for PC go HERE.
* To download Nook for Mac go HERE.
* To download Nook for other platforms go HERE.


*To download Kindle for PC go HERE.
* To download Kindle for Mac go HERE.
* To download Kindle for other platforms go HERE.



* To download Kobo for PC go HERE.
* To download Kobo for Mac go HERE.
* To download Kobo for other platforms go HERE.



* To download Sony Reader for PC go HERE.
* To download Sony Reader for Mac go HERE.
* To download Sony Reader for other platforms go HERE.


Book Giveaway

Fantasy Book Critic has a giveaway of the entire Night Angel Trilogy HERE. There are six complete sets up for grabs, three of US version and three of the UK version, which is fatter, and may spell words like “color” funny. 😉 Looks like it’s open to anyone.

Also, I will be posting the winner of the Halloween costume contest tomorrow. I’ve got it down to two finalists, and it’s killing me to choose between them, so check in tomorrow to see who won a signed copy of the book of their choice. (Uh, that is, out of my books. If you ask for a signed copy of the 24 volume Oxford English Dictionary, I’ll just hurt you.)