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German Reader’s Choice/Leserpreis 2013

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The Blinding Knife has been nominated for another book award — or rather, the German translation, Die Blendende Klinge, has been nominated. If you’re a German-language reader and lover of fantasy, please consider voting for my book HERE. The polls close on November 28th, and the winners will be announced on November 29th.

A special thanks to Hans Link and Clemens Brunn, my German translators for their vital work.

Bestseller in Germany

German Bestseller


We’re excited to announce that DIE BLENDENDE KLINGE (The Blinding Knife) is a bestseller in Germany.  A big thanks to all the fans who bought the book!

For those who read German, the official announcement is at left. (Oh, and if you haven’t picked up the book yet and would like to, go HERE to order.)

The Blinding Knife… in German


The Blinding Knife (Die Blendende Klinge) is available today in Germany and German-language markets!

Go HERE for links to purchase from your preferred German retailer.


And if you read German, here’s the blurb, which…eh, may be spoilery:

Sein Leben ist eine Lüge, seine Macht geraubt.
Gavin Guile stirbt. Der hoch geehrte Lord Prisma glaubte, er hätte noch fünf Jahre zu leben – doch jetzt bleibt ihm nicht mal mehr eines. Viel zu wenig Zeit, um auch nur seine drängendsten Probleme zu lösen: Denn die alten Götter werden wiedergeboren und setzen sich an die Spitze einer unbesiegbaren Armee, die Tausende von verängstigten Flüchtlingen vor sich hertreibt. Gavins einzige Chance, dem tödlichen Chaos Einhalt zu gebieten, könnte ausgerechnet sein Bruder sein – dessen Leben er vor sechzehn Jahren raubte …

(Also, new poll!)

Schwarzes Prisma/Black Prism Release in Germany!

Dear German fans,

This week will see the release of Schwarzes Prisma. You can order on And here’s the blurb:

Sein Leben ist eine Lüge, seine Macht nur geraubt …

Gavin Guile ist der hoch geehrte Lord Prisma. Allein seine magischen Fähigkeiten, seine Intelligenz und seine Überzeugungskraft bewahren den unsicheren Frieden im Reich. Doch Gavin bleiben nur noch fünf Jahre zu leben. Fünf Jahre, um fünf unmögliche Ziele zu erreichen. Da erfährt er, dass er einen Sohn hat, und von der Gefahr für dessen Leben. Doch um den unschuldigen Jungen zu retten, muss Gavin sein dunkelstes Geheimnis offenbaren – und damit das Reich zerreißen. Denn sein Leben fußt auf einer Lüge, und seine Macht ist lediglich geraubt. Kann er diesen Preis bezahlen, um sein einziges Kind zu retten?

Or at least I think that’s the blurb. Since I don’t speak German I can’t be sure…

I hope you love it!

Black Light, Schwarzes Licht

The Black Prism is coming to Germany! With a brand-new name (Schwarzes Licht) and a brand-new cover (more in line with The Night Angel Trilogy), you can get it online or in bookstores in October 2011!

Take a sneak peek at the cover and pre-order here. For another look at Schwarzes Licht, complete with picture of smiling Brent, in Blanvalet’s online catalogue, click here (I’d recommend using the find function using “Brent” rather than scrolling to page 159!) Kind of nice to be described as “der Shootingstar der Fantasy!”

And in other Teutonic news, the third book of the Night Angel Trilogy, Beyond the Shadows (Jenseits der Schatten in Germany!) spent a week on the extended bestseller list at #47! Thanks to all the fans and Blanvalet Verlag who made it, and the rest of the Trilogy, such a success!

And without further ado:

(You didn’t think I’d be able to help myself, did you?)

Moin–or Hola–Europa!

Besides being of at least 1/16th German extraction, I’ve got another reason to love the country – they have lots of fantasy fans! And now I’ve got a killer interview with sci-fi/fantasy German webzine Zauberspiegel. So if you speak German, or even feel vaguely Teutonic during Oktoberfest, come on over here! For those of you non-German speakers, my interviewer, Horst Hermann von Allworden, has graciously provided an English translation here as well!

Oh wait, that’s me talking in English–it just sounds like English run through Google translate and back again. Which reminds me of a classic (possibly apocryphal) example of a phrase run unsuccessfully through the translation grinder:

The vodka is strong, but the meat is rotten!

(The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.)

And on to Spain, land of Cervantes, whom I have it on good authority Random House Mondadori actually rejected. (Okay, I made that up.) Mondadori has just released the 2nd book in the Night Angel Trilogy! (W00t!) To get a copy of Al Filo de Las Sombras in Spain, click here. To just check out my Spanish-as-in-Spain webpage, go here.