To celebrate the launch of Perfect Shadow in hardcover, we’re giving fans a chance to win 5 brand-new, author-signed sets of The Night Angel Trilogy. The contest is open to U.S. and international fans. One grand prize winner will receive a special signed book from Brent’s personal collection. (Hint: It’ll be one of Brent’s books, not his cherished old Calvin and Hobbes Treasury. Probably. He lies to CAPSLOCK, too.)
Via Twitter or Facebook, post a photo of your favorite, most-loved, battle-worn Night Angel book (or set of books) using the hashtag #BattleWornBooks and a line or two about how the book got that way. We’d love to see some creative scenery or settings (though no digital enhancement, please).
If you’re that one person, who brought in that super bloody book that I signed? You should totally submit that. Also, I’m never signing an actually bloody book again. I was young and foolish then.
Oh, and don’t beat up your book just to win this contest…. I mean, unless you’re going to go out and buy new copies afterward. Then you should DEFINITELY beat up your book just to win this contest.
More details.
1 Person will receive a signed REDACTED… Secret thing. But it’s good. Seriously. You trust me, right? All plot twists are happy plot twists in Weeks-world, right?
5 People Will Win Brand-New Author-Signed Sets of The Night Angel Trilogy.
1. Entries may be submitted starting today until Tuesday, November 14th at 3pm Pacific Standard Time
2. Entry must include:
a) a picture of your favorite Night Angel book
b) a one or two sentence description, maybe why it looks like this, or where it’s been.
c) #BattleWornBooks
3. International entries are allowed and encouraged!
4. Some photo editing is fine: think enhancement, not special effects.
5. You can only win once–but three books, so it’s like winning three times. Three times is enough.
6. If you email rather than post to Twitter or Facebook, the subject line of the email should read: #battlewornbooks
7. If you choose to use email, address the email to elisa at brentweeks dot com. (no spaces; and as in previous years, Brent will be selecting the winners).
8. Other: Brent will judge the photos and will select the six winners in no particular order of awesomeness. You must be 18 or older to win (younger participants are welcome, but by law I can’t give you a prize). No purchase is necessary. Odds of winning are based on the number of entries, but definitely higher if you submit. We will notify winners via Twitter, Facebook or email depending on how you submitted the photo. You must respond within 7 days, or another winner will be chosen. That would be sad. For you. They’d be happy. So maybe the net happiness would be neither increased nor decreased. We could try it out if you win.
9. Winners will be announced on Monday, November 20th.