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Omnibus Pics

File under Can’t Believe I Haven’t Posted This Yet. Below are pictures of Night Angel: A Trilogy. It’s a 1392 page omnibus (3 books in 1) of, obviously, the Night Angel Trilogy. I’ve posted the following info before, but then I didn’t have my own copy, so I couldn’t post pictures. This is only available through the Science Fiction Book Club (US) or SFBC Canada which are analogous to those old CD clubs. I know a few people who are members, and they’re all happy with SFBC. It’s $15 for current members, or 20 cents if you choose it as one of your introductory books when you join. Sorry, not trying to hawk my wares, I’ve just had a lot of questions about if it’s possible to get the trilogy in hard cover.

It's a monster
It's a monster. (Click to enlarge.)


Big, and fat. Always a winning combination.
Big...and fat. Always a winning combination. (Click to enlarge.)