Posts Tagged‘signed books’
Deal on the Night Angel Omnibus at The Signed Page
Hello fellow Night Angel enthusiasts!
I see you.
Yeah, YOU.
You’re laying on your couch, still in your jammies. A plate of leftovers is on the end table next to you. Uncle Fred is visiting, and he has taken over the recliner and the remote, and is shouting at the television while college students run around on a field tossing a ball to each other. Your Grandma is in the kitchen, talking Mom’s ear off, micromanaging her baking and blasting Mannheim Steamroller. You’re lurking on Reddit and sipping a hot toddie.
You opted out of Black Friday, in a silent protest of conspicuous consumption.
You’re so smart, friend.
You’re also cursing a bit of bad luck you’ve run into, where you missed out on a chance to buy a signed copy of the Astonishing, Spectacular, Resplendent, Death-Defying, Super Special, Blacker-Than-Black, 10th Anniversary Hardcover Night Angel Omnibus.
The Signed Page is having a weekend sale on signed copies of the omnibus–Friday through Monday. The guys over at The Signed Page package every order with care, ensuring your book arrives in pristine condition. Quantities are limited, so jump on this deal while you can!
Also, a little heads up: Brent is facing the Mother of All Deadlines in the next two weeks, so you’ll have to put up with me here on the website for a bit. Once he has cleared that hurdle, we have some fun things to share with everyone.
Bookplates Shipped!
In order to give everyone at least a chance at getting their bookplates in the mail before Christmas, I’m happy to announce that all bookplates have been personalized, signed, and mailed. Brent did all the international ones first, since mailing internationally takes the longest. All those went out by Wednesday, the 12th. Canadian and U.S. bookplates were all mailed by Thursday, the 13th, and digital bookplates went out on Friday the 14th. Brent wishes to note: his hand is tired.
For those of you who aren’t sure what a bookplate is or what to do with it once you receive it, I’ve made a short instructional video. (Enjoy my chrome-colored nails. If only I’d known Brent was having me make a video of them this morning!)
Signed Copies of The Blinding Knife
If you are unable to come to any of my book tour stops (and I’ll be announcing those in two weeks), but you still want to get your hands on a signed copy of The Blinding Knife, here’s a way you can do it:
The Signed Page is a business I’ve worked with before. Basically, they bring copies to me, I sign and personalize them, and then they send them to you. (Well-protected, so those books don’t get beat up.) The Signed Page also ships internationally, and they are accepting pre-orders now.
Go HERE to get your signed copy of The Blinding Knife.
Powell’s Signing — Thursday, September 8
Although I enjoyed my time at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, it’s always good to be home. And what better way to celebrate the release of The Black Prism in mass market paperback than with fans in my own neighborhood?
So this Thursday, September 8, I’ll be reading from The Blinding Knife, answering questions, and signing books starting at 7pm. More details are here, and directions to Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing are here.
Brent Goes to Dragon*Con!
After many emails from fans in the Southeast, wondering why I’ve never made a stop in the region on a book tour, I’m finally going to visit. That’s right: Brent Weeks is coming to Dragon*Con, from September 2 – September 5. Watch out, Atlanta!
For more details on the whole thing, go here. To register, click here. Look forward to seeing you there!
My panel and autograph schedule is below.
Title: Crossing the line: Too much or not enough
Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong – Hyatt (Length: 1 hour)
Description: How much violence, blood and gore is too much? Is there a limit? Are you flirting with that line?
Title: Blood & Steel
Time: Sun 10:00 am 10:00 pm (NOTE: Yes, 10 at night. The original information I got was wrong.) Location: Montreal / Vancouver – Hyatt (Length:1 hour)
Description: Tales of swords, sorcery, and grim adventure.
Title: Dragon*Autographs
Time: Sun 11:30 am Location: M301 – M304 – Marriott (Length: 1 hour)
Please note that there will be NO books for sale at this signing, so please bring your own copies for me to sign. (I will sign bookplates for those who forget their books… but let’s be honest, that’s not quite as cool as a signed book, is it?)
Where: M301-M304 (Marriott)
*We may also be adding a KaffeeKlatch or booksigning at a nearby bookstore — will update with details as soon as they’re available!*
Mr. Brent Goes to WorldCon
I’ll be attending WorldCon in Reno beginning in just a few days. As you can imagine, it’s jam-packed with sci-fi and fantasy goodness. For a full schedule, check out this page. For a handy-dandy pamphlet to consult as you decide between a Brent Weeks autograph session or a Kaffeeklatch with Harry Turtledove (wait, you’re skipping my autographing session?!) check out this link. And if you’re interested in finding out where an individual author will be when, go here.
But if you want to go where the fun is…
New Pro Orientation – Understanding Publishing: Friday, September 19, 10am-11am
This panel has been arranged solely to help Brent understand publishing. Oh… no, nope, apparently, the man on the other end of this headset says I am supposed to be helping John Berlyne, Lucienne Diver, Sandra Tayler, and Ann C. Crispin tell you what to expect when dealing with publishers and why contracts are your friends. Everyone else on the panel has far more experience than I, but I will do my best to look natty.
Where: D04 (RSCC)
Postmodern Fantasy Panel: Friday, September 19, 2011 5pm-6pm
There’s been considerable discussion of Fantasy, Fantastika, and Post-Modernism. What is this about, and why is it interesting for those who read, review, or critique present day fantasy? Brent will be discussing with other panelists N. K. Jemisin, William Lexner, Nick Mamatas, Peadar Ó Guilín and Brandon Sanderson.
Where: D03 (RSCC)
Autographing: Saturday, August 20, 2pm – 3pm
Other authors signing books at the same time, in the same area include: Philippa Ballantine, Laurel Anne Hill, Dani Kollin, Eytan Kollin, Tee Morris, Susan Palwick, and Carrie Vaughn.
Where: Hall 2 – Autographs (RSCC)
KaffeeKlatsch: Saturday, August 20, 4pm – 5pm
Chat informally with Brent Weeks in a small group! There are only 10 spots available, so make sure to sign up at the program desk. Although a few other authors are listed in the program alongside Brent, the authors have separate discussion groups. Brent will happily share his wide knowledge of… wait. Well, Brent will happily chat with you anyway!
Where: KK1 (RSCC)
And what happens when you gather thousands of introverted writers, trying to be extroverts? Yep, the real action will be at The Bar.
This Looks Perilously Close to Hawking my Wares
And I’m not a big ware-hawker… (Hmm, a were-hawk, there’s a story in that somewhere).
So, you’re looking for a signed book. Some authors are crazy enough that they grow big beards and say, Send All Your Books To My House (With Something Interesting) And I Will Sign It. Problem is, I’m not that guy. I have only a small goatee, and a penchant for losing even my own things.
Ergo, come to a book signing.
“Ah, Brent,” you say, “but I live in a foetid corner of Tasmania, and though I voted as per your instructions, you are not coming to an urban center near me. More’s the pity. Do you hate Australians?”
No, in fact, I like Australians so much, I don’t even attempt to do the accent–unlike many Americans, who are totally unable to restrain themselves from that whole “shrimp on the barbie” line. (I’m strong. I also don’t attempt the Sean Connery accent. Though that one’s a near thing.)
But, granted, there are a few thousand corners of the globe to which I have not trotted, or at least not while anyone knew that my scribble on a piece of paper might have some sentimental value to someone on the Australian version of Ebay. (Do you have Ebay Down Under? I heard in Russia it’s Mobile Money or something…)
To the matter at hand: You want a book with a Brent Weeks scrawl in it. I want you to be a happy fan. Here’s where The Signed Page steps in.
Basically, you buy the book through The Signed Page at a reasonable mark-up; I sign it (for free, I don’t make any money off this), and they will send it to you–and if I understand correctly, they send books anywhere in the world. And I will be happy to personalize your book for you. HERE is the direct link to Shawn’s Brent Weeks page.
I’m signing the first batch of books when I’m up in Seattle for my book tour on August 26th, so if you want your book without delay, please get your order in. Sorry for the short notice. (I live 3.5 hours away from Shawn, so I can’t promise the fastest signing all the time.)
Those of you not interested in were-hawks, carry on.