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Pronunciation Guide

You know what’s irritating about fantasy novels? All those names and terms. Just how the heck do you say “Gra’knagr’aknag’arth*”? Well, I’m here for you.

To celebrate our website relaunch — ooh, pretty colors! — we’re also launching an Audio Guide. Go to THIS page, click on any term, and hear multi-Audie Award winner Simon Vance pronounce each of the names and terms in The Lightbringer Series. Simon is also the narrator for The Blinding Knife and The Broken Eye (available in Audio HERE).

Note that each list has one term at the top in big font, i.e. the A-B Glossary has “ABAYA” at the top. You don’t have to listen to every term from “Abaya” to “Burnous” in order to hear the pronunciation of “Burnous”. Just click directly on “Burnous”. This is a limitation of Soundcloud.

The eagle-eyed among you might notice we have some other things in store for the future. We’ll announce those as soon as we can!

(Also, new poll!)


*Not a real name

Social Media Apocalypse

Folks, this may be the beginning of the end. I have now joined Instagram.

Turns out my real name — and my usual internet aliases (characters from my books) — are taken, so on Instagram, I am: AndrossGuile. Naturally.

I plan to update you daily with a little snapshot while I’m on tour. Otherwise, I probably won’t be using Instagram very often. I make no claims to photographic talent or skill. Filters will probably feature heavily. 😉

If you attend one of my signings and take pictures, tag them with #BrokenEyeTour. We plan to do a big round-up of our favorites from The Broken Eye tour and can use all the help we can get! So go crazy: pics of you with the book, with me, with your friends and the book, in front of the bookstore, etc. etc. We’ll even give a free Lightbringer t-shirt to one of you. (Apparently, legally, I can’t just give it to the best. It has to be random. I hate being legal.)



Also. New poll. Check it out. —->